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Official website of the President of Russia

Presidential Instructions   /

List of instructions following Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly

March 30, 2024

Vladimir Putin approved a list of instructions following the Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly delivered on February 29, 2024.

The Government of the Russian Federation, together with executive bodies of the Russian Federation constituent entities, has been instructed to take measures to ensure that by 2030 Russia becomes one of the four biggest economies in the world in terms of gross domestic product (GDP) based on purchasing power parity (PPP); to achieve an increase in the share of wages and salaries in GDP by 2030 compared to 2023; a decrease of poverty rate below seven percent by 2030, including the poverty rate for large families down to 12 percent and below; an increase in the volume of agricultural products output by at least 25 percent by 2030, and exports of agricultural products grown by at least half compared to 2021; an increase in the level of gross added value in manufacturing industry in real terms by at least 40 percent by 2030 compared to 2022; a decrease in the share of imports of goods and services in GDP down to 17 percent by 2030; an increase of exports of non-raw materials and non-energy goods by at least two thirds by 2030 compared to 2023; a gradual reduction in the number of the Russian Federation regions with a low fiscal capacity; an increase in the share of domestic high-tech goods and services based on domestic design and engineering with the total consumption of such goods and services in the Russian Federation increasing by half by 2030 compared to 2023; an increase in domestic spending on R&D to at least two percent of GDP by 2030, including by at least doubling investment from private businesses for these purposes; the growth rate of income per employee employed by small and medium-sized businesses that is higher than the growth rate of GDP completion by the end of 2030 of major repairs of preschool educational and general education institutions identified as requiring such repairs as of January 1, 2025; an increase in the aviation mobility of the population by at least 50 percent by 2030 compared to 2023.

The Government has also been instructed to develop the Family national project that would envisage measures that would ensure, among other things, a sustainable increase in the birth rate of Russia’s population by 2030; an increase in the coverage of state social assistance based on a social contract, including for large families as a priority. For these purposes, provisions should be made for additional federal budgetary allocations in the amount of at least 100 billion rubles for the budgets of the constituent entities of the Federation in 2025–2030.

By 2030, the birth rate must be increased in those constituent entities of the Russian Federation, where the birth rate in 2023 was below Russia’s average, ensuring the allocation of additional federal budget financing in the amount of at least 75 billion rubles in 2025–2030 to co-finance the activities of the relevant regional programs to encourage the increase in the birth rate.

By 2030, the coverage by long-term care for elderly and disabled citizens must be increased (up to 500,000 people), a “childhood infrastructure” formed and developed, including maternity protection, preserving the health of children and adolescents, and greater accessibility to preschool educational and general education institutions must be provided for families with children. The network of prenatal clinics must be expanded, and perinatal centres, children’s clinics and hospitals must be upgraded. A major overhaul of preschool educational facilities must be carried out starting in 2025, setting aside for these purposes additional federal budget funds in the amount of at least 94.5 billion rubles for the regions in 2025–2030 on terms of co-financing of relevant activities. At least 100 preschool educational institutions must be built, and additional federal budget funds in the amount of at least 51 billion rubles must be allocated for these purposes to the regions that have a shortage of places in preschool educational institutions.

The Government has been instructed to develop the Long and Active Life national project to address, among other things, further financing of federal projects to combat diabetes, cardiovascular, oncological, and infectious diseases, including hepatitis C; construction, repairs and equipping of healthcare facilities, with additional one trillion rubles to be allocated from the federal budget for these purposes in 2025–2030; introduction of a single digital health management platform (including based on the digital profile), which would ensure switching to paperless medical document flow, with the use of artificial intelligence technology services among other things, making provisions for at least 35 billion rubles to be allocated additionally for these purposes from the federal budget in 2025–2030; construction of at least 350 sports facilities annually in the Russian regions, above all in small towns and villages, with additional amount of at least 65 billion rubles to be allocated from the federal budget for these purposes in 2025–2030.

The Government has also been instructed to develop the Youth and Children national project, which envisages, among other things, the construction of at least 150 new general education institutions (regions with a shortage of places in schools will receive an additional 210 billion rubles from the federal budget); upgrading infrastructure of general education institutions intended for physical education and sports, assembly halls, libraries, classrooms for organising educational work and additional education for children; setting up creative and volunteer centres at schools, art workshops; material and technical equipment of classrooms for the implementation of the Fundamentals of Safety and Defence of the Motherland, and Labour (Technology) educational programmes;

The Government has been instructed to complete work on connecting educational institutions to high-speed internet.

The Government has been instructed to establish, by 2030, at least 12 advanced educational organisations in all federal districts, with corresponding infrastructure and personnel; at least 38 billion rubles will be allocated from the federal budget to this end until 2030.

In 2025–2030, at least 100 billion rubles will be additionally allocated from the federal budget to finance popular cultural, educating, learning, historical, and other creative projects distributed in cinemas, on television, on the internet and social networks;

The Government has also been tasked with promoting the Russian language and culture in the CIS countries and other foreign countries.

The Government has been instructed to develop the Personnel national project, which provides for training of mid-level professionals for such sectors as education, healthcare, culture, services, tourism and creative industries under the Professionalitet federal project; major repairs of at least 800 dormitories of federal universities with additional 124.9 billion rubles allocated from the federal budget for these purposes; the creation of at least 40 advanced university campuses by 2036 with at least 160 billion rubles from the federal budget additionally allocated to this end by 2030; establishing at least 50 advanced engineering schools in addition to existing ones at universities by 2030 in partnership with high-tech companies and scientific organisations, focused on training highly qualified engineering personnel; developing new high-tech technology and products and introducing them in industry, agriculture, construction, transport and social sphere with at least 41 billion rubles more from the federal budget to this effect.

The Government has been instructed to draft a national project titled Ecology and allocated at least 600 billion rubles from the federal budget in 2025–2030 for its implementation. The national project has the following goals: phasing out emissions of hazardous pollutants by half by 2036; creating a comprehensive environmental quality monitoring system; halving raw wastewater discharge into main water bodies by 2036; liquidating by the end of 2030 at least 50 hazardous objects of accumulated environmental damage, including those located at industrial sites in the city of Usolye-Sibirskoye, Irkutsk Region, the Baikalsk Pulp and Paper Mill and at the Krasny Bor industrial waste landfill, and developing a circular economy, which would ensure the sorting of 100 percent of annually generated solid household waste and the recycling of at least 25 percent of secondary resources and raw materials from solid household waste by 2030.

In addition, the Ecology national project involves the construction of at least 400 solid household waste management facilities and eight eco-industrial parks to recycle production and consumption waste, providing conditions for stimulating investment in the implementation of environmentally friendly technologies and the principles of the circular economy, by 2030. Other goals of the national project include forest conservation with special focus on the restoration of forested areas around cities and industrial centres; the conservation and development of specially protected natural areas, the conservation and restoration of rare and endangered species of animals and plants; the conservation and improvement of the unique ecosystem of Lake Baikal; and the creation of a network of rehabilitation centres for injured and confiscated wild animals.

The Government has been instructed to develop a national project Tourism and the Hospitality Industry, and to allocate at least 403 billion rubles to support the tourism sector in 2025–2030.There are also plans to carry out infrastructure upgrades at major federal year-round sea resorts as part of the Five Seas project, as well as to increase the number of domestic tourism trips to 140 million by 2030. The tourism sector is expected to account for up to 5 percent of GDP by 2030.

Instructions for the Government included drafting a national project titled Data Economy and the Digital Transformation of the State. At least 700 billion rubles will be allocated from the federal budget for carrying out this project in 2025–2030.

In 2025–2030, investment in domestic IT solutions must exceed GDP growth by a factor of two. By 2030, the process of creating digital platforms for all key economic and social sectors, as well as public administration, must be completed. This project provides for increasing the aggregate processing power of Russian supercomputers by at least ten-fold. By 2030, at least 97 percent of households must be able to benefit from quality high-speed broadband internet access.

With a view to ensuring technological sovereignty, the Government has been instructed to draft national projects to this effect with a focus on several key areas such as ensuring public health, food security, unmanned arial systems, manufacturing and automation systems, transport mobility, including autonomous transport, data economy and the state’s digital transformation, new materials and chemistry, new space technology and services, and new energy technology, including nuclear energy solutions. These efforts aim to make Russia one of the world’s top 25 countries in terms of robot density.

In addition, the Government received instructions dealing with increasing throughput capacity on Russia’s southern railways as well as within the Eastern Operating Domain, while also developing the North-South transport corridor, including by establishing the so-called seamless routes.

The next instruction for the Government consisted of writing off two thirds of the budget loans owed by the constituent entities of the Federation as of March 1, 2024, but only if the regions use the released funds to undertake infrastructure projects and promote investment.

The Government also received instructions dealing with allocating additional funding (subsidies) to Russian research and development entities with a view to developing solutions for domestic production of essential industrial goods. The Industrial Development Fund’s capital will be increased by at least 300 billion rubles.

The President instructed the Government to establish, by 2030, at least 100 industrial parks, technology and business parks for small and medium-sized businesses focused on national technology priorities, and companies included in their cooperation chains.

The Government was also instructed to ensure that all national parks in the country are provided with infrastructure for eco-tourism, including for children. These facilities must include recreation grounds, museums, visitor centres, eco-trails and tourist itineraries. At least 165 billion rubles will be allocated additionally from the state budget to cultural facilities (museums, theatres, libraries, clubs, children’s art schools and small cinemas) for construction, modernisation, major renovations and equipment supplies. Under the Local Cultural Worker programme planned for launch in 2025, cultural professionals will receive a one-off payment of 1 million rubles, or 2 million rubles if they choose to relocate to the Far Eastern Federal District, the Donetsk People’s Republic, the Lugansk People’s Republic, the Kherson Region or the Zaporozhye Region.

The Government and the VEB.RF state development corporation received instructions to provide at least 200 billion rubles in funding for investment projects in industrial production, in 2024–2026.

Furthermore, the President instructed the Government and the Federal Security Service of Russia to adopt measures that would limit cargo transport inspections by Russian border authorities to 10 minutes per vehicle.

The Government was also instructed to develop and implement a conservation programme for the period until 2045 focused on cultural heritage sites of the ethnicities residing in the Russian Federation. The goal is to bring at least 1,000 cultural heritage sites into satisfactory condition by 2030. This work must be completed in cooperation with DOM.RF.

The President issued instructions for the Government and the Russian Academy of Sciences to develop and implement a federal project for creating research libraries in research organisations, higher education institutions and professional development organisations.

March 30, 2024