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Signed by President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister of the Republic of India Manmohan Singh in New Delhi on December 3, 2004
The Russian Federation and the Republic of India, hereinafter referred to as the Sides,
Guided by mutual trust and respect inherent in bilateral relations,
Drawing upon their wide ranging tradition of cooperation since the establishment of diplomatic relations in April 1947,
Recalling the Treaty on Friendship and Cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Republic of India of 28 January 1993,
Recalling the Declaration on Strategic Partnership between the Russian Federation and the Republic of India of 3 October 2000,
Convinced of the mutual desire to promote global peace and progress, and the need to counter challenges arising out of international terrorism,
Confirm their adherence to the common ideals of secularism, democracy, rule of law, cultural diversity and pluralism,
Affirm their commitment to develop further and enhance the strategic partnership based on nation-wide consensus in both the States,
Declare as follows:
Russia and India, as two of the largest democracies in the world, are deeply committed to the establishment of a more democratic world order, based on a multipolar world, which takes into account the major changes that have taken place in the international political landscape over the past few decades. The two Sides note with satisfaction that the strategic partnership between them serves their long-term national interests, strengthens bilateral relations, deepens mutually beneficial cooperation and contributes to the international peace and security.
The Sides agree to expand exchanges in bilateral relations at the political and parliamentary levels, between the Security Councils and at official level. The significant degree of convergence in the overall perspective as well as interests of the two Sides, have enabled Russian-Indian relations to withstand the test of time. Both Sides recognize that their cooperation strengthens strategic stability in Asia and the world as a whole.
The Sides propose to continue consultations at all levels between the foreign ministries of the two countries, including those on disarmament as well as on the United Nations issues. Priority attention will be paid to coordination of efforts through the Joint Working Group on Combating Global Challenges and the Joint Working Group on Combating International Terrorism.
The Indian Side regards Russia as a major and highly active member of the international community, and as a country whose voice commands respect and attention on issues of global concern. In this context, the Indian Side strongly supports the earliest possible accession of Russia to the World Trade Organization. The Sides regard this support as an important demonstration of Russian-Indian relations of strategic partnership, and express their desire to develop, after the accession of Russia to the WTO, cooperation within that Organization, based on the principles of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit.
The Sides are convinced that trade, culture and tourism promote economic cooperation, goodwill and people-to-people contacts between nations. The Sides stress that the traditionally strong bilateral relations have rested on foundations of political, defence and economic exchanges of a substantial nature. In the current context, this process has to be carried forward and strengthened further. Mutual investments in industries, cooperation in IT and banking are some areas that offer a new scope.
Energy constitutes an important part of the bilateral relationship. Considering the expanding energy requirements of India, both Sides stress the need for employing resources that are environment-friendly and available in sufficient quantities. Nuclear power plants offer a pollution-free and substantial source of energy to provide for the sustainable development. Both Sides are determined to continue their cooperation in the field of nuclear energy, incorporating innovative technologies to ensure energy security, with due regard to their commitments to non-proliferation norms. The Sides also recognise the considerable scope for cooperation in the hydroelectric and thermal power sectors. Russia is a major exporter of oil and gas and India is emerging as a large consumer. The Sides affirm their desire to cooperate in development of new oil and gas fields and the means of their transportation in Russia, India and other countries. Both Sides agree to encourage and assist investments in the energy sector by Indian companies in Russia and those by Russian companies in this sector in India. The Sides view cooperation in energy as an area of priority attention in bilateral cooperation.
The Sides agree that the 21st century presents new challenges. In a globalised world, there are inherent inter-linkages not only between countries, but also between issues. Both Sides recognise the indivisibility between security and prosperity in the present day world. They agree that the most effective way to address contemporary challenges is through multilateral approaches based on the widest possible international support. Multilateralism is an instrument to work towards the objective of a multipolar world.
The UN system is at the centre of multilateralism. Both Sides agree to cooperate closely at the UN and in other international organizations. In 2005 the UN will be 60 years old. Both Sides emphasise the necessity of comprehensive reforms in the UN system so as to reflect both the enlarged membership in the UN and the contemporary realities. Russia and India emphasise that the expansion of the UN Security Council is an urgent imperative to make the Security Council more representative and effective. In this framework, the Russian Federation reiterates once again that it regards India as an influential and major member of the international community. The Russian Federation reaffirms its support to India as a deserving and strong candidate for the permanent membership in an expanded UN Security Council.
The Russian Federation and India reiterate their common resolve to fight terrorism. They reaffirm that global terrorism in all its forms and manifestations constitutes one of the most serious threats to international peace and security, and condemn in the strongest terms all acts of terrorism irrespective of their motivation, whenever and by whomsoever committed. They underscore that there can be no justification for terrorism on any grounds, including ideological, religious, racial, ethnic or any other. They believe that the fight against terrorism has to be long-term, sustained and comprehensive. In this regard they emphasise the need for giving substance and credibility to the global fight against terrorism and avoid selective approaches and political bias. With the recent targeting of open societies around the world, Russia and India as two large and influential democracies, have reasons to be concerned about the vulnerability of democracies to terrorist attacks, because terrorism exploits the strengths of democracies such as, the protection of human rights, freedom of expression and movement.
Both countries welcome the unanimous adoption of the UN Security Council resolution 1566 [piloted by the Russian Federation]. Noting that it seeks to consider action against terrorists including sanctions and judicial action and aims at making the Counter Terrorism Committee more action-oriented, both countries decided to actively cooperate with each other in counter-terrorism efforts.
Russia and India re-emphasise the need for an early adoption by the General Assembly of the Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism and the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism.
Both Sides reaffirm that proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), their means of delivery and related materials, particularly the risk of their falling into the hands of terrorists, constitutes a threat to international peace and security. They highlighted the need to prevent terrorists or those who harbour them, from acquiring or developing WMD, their means of delivery and related materials. Both Sides emphasised the necessity to further address this threat on national basis as well as through forward looking multilateral long term efforts by all partners against proliferation with the central role of the United Nations. As strategic partners Russia and India affirmed their commitment to cooperate bilaterally as well as through appropriate multilateral forums towards contributing to this objective.
Both Sides also reaffirm their commitment to support efforts to prevent the deployment of weapons in outer space while preserving it for peaceful and cooperative activities aimed at providing developmental benefits.
The Sides note with satisfaction that the Trilateral Meetings at the Foreign Ministers level of Russia, India and China have been taking place regularly. These meetings have been useful in promoting understanding and exploring areas of possible cooperation at a trilateral and at an international level. The Trilateral Meetings have also reflected a strong concern against terrorism anywhere and in any form. The Sides express their conviction in favour of progressive increase in the trilateral cooperation, which also leads to social and economic development amongst the three countries.
The Sides considered the situation in Central Asia and note that security and stability in that region coincide with the priorities of Russia and India for the region. Greater economic growth and democratic progress of the Central Asian States demand the respect of their freedom to choose the models of development and implementation of reforms.
The Sides express concern over continuing violence in Iraq and stressed the need for an intra-Iraqi dialogue aimed at building national consensus on a new constitution and on restoring stability and security in the country.
The Sides advocate strict compliance with the UN Security Council resolution 1546, particularly with regard to the interim timetable of political process stipulated by it with a view to facilitating the formation of a new, democratic Iraq.
The Sides affirm their continuing interest in contributing to the reconstruction efforts in Iraq and urge a wider degree of international consultation in the ongoing peace efforts. The Sides believe that it would be in the interest of the international community to restore the efficacy of multilateral approaches in addressing situations such as the war in Iraq.
The Sides support the objective of a lasting, just and comprehensive settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict, based on relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council. The Sides encourage the resumption of peaceful negotiations as soon as possible in accordance with the Road Map worked out by the Quartet of international intermediaries and approved by the UN Security Council in its resolution 1515.
The Sides welcome the successful conclusion of the Presidential elections in Afghanistan and underline the importance of efforts at national reconciliation and unity. The Sides also look forward to conduct of the parliamentary elections as scheduled in April/May 2005. They express support for a strong, united, sovereign and independent Afghanistan and underline the importance of empowering the Central authority with indigenous security institutions.
The Sides reiterate their support for the reconstruction process in Afghanistan. The Sides express their concern at the continuing threat to security, especially in the South and Southeastern provinces and also over the continued increase in the cultivation, production and trafficking of narcotic drugs in Afghanistan and underline the need for effective steps to counteract the drug and terrorist threats.
The Russian Federation and the Republic of India are convinced that their bilateral cooperation in all forms, and their strategic partnership, contribute to the strengthening of the regional and global goodwill and cooperation. They are determined to further enhance in every possible way the relations of partnership and closely interact on a bilateral and multilateral basis, with other states, regional and international forums.