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On holding the next summit of the Eurasian Economic Community Inter-State Council
On increasing the staff of the Secretariat of the Eurasian Economic Community Inter-Parliamentary Assembly’s Bureau
On the Council for Financial-Economic Policy of the Eurasian Economic Community’s member states
On progress with implementation during 2004 of measures to carry out the Eurasian Economic Community’s priority development programmes for 2003–2006 and successive years
On progress with implementation of the decisions adopted at the Eurasian Economic Community Inter-State Council meeting of June 18, 2004
On the Concept for cooperation between the Eurasian Economic Community member states in currency matters
On a draft agreement on cooperation between border guards services of the Eurasian Economic Community member states in the event of a crisis situation on the external borders
On coordination procedures for the principle macroeconomic development indicators for the economies of the Eurasian Economic Community member states
On work on establishing a common customs tariff for the Eurasian Economic Community
On progress with implementation of the decision No. 169, adopted at the Eurasian Economic Community Inter-State Council summit of June 18, 2004, “On cooperation between the Eurasian Economic Community member states in effectively developing the hydro-electricity resources of the Syr Darya and Amu Darya river basins”
On progress with work on the Inter-State Bank’s operation as an international investment, lending and settlement organisation
On the Act on procedures for formation and use of funds from special funds (special accounts) for financing Eurasian Economic Community inter-state targeted programmes
On the Eurasian Economic Community Inter-State Council’s budget address “On budget policy for 2006”
On the report on execution of the Eurasian Economic Community budget for 2004
On salaries for the officials and staff of the organs of the Eurasian Economic Community
On the status (progress on implementing internal state procedures required for coming into force) of international agreements concluded within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Community
On the institution of an Honorary Document of the Eurasian Economic Community