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Official website of the President of Russia


Joint Statement of the European Union and the Russian Federation on Transit between the Kaliningrad Region and the Rest of the Russian Federation

November 11, 2002

Brussels, November 11, 2002

1. The parties acknowledge the unique situation of the Kaliningrad Region as part of the Russian Federation but separated from the rest of the Federation by other states. With the aim of further developing the strategic partnership between EU and Russia, the parties therefore agree to make a special effort to accommodate the concerns on both sides related to the future transit of persons and goods between the Kaliningrad Region and other parts of Russia, and to intensify their cooperation to promote the social and economic development of the region as a whole.

2. The Russian Federation and the European Union note that from 1 January 2003 the Republic of Lithuania will, according to its agreement with the EU, implement national regulations for border control. The parties understand that these rules shall be applied in a flexible manner in order not to disrupt the traditional flow of transit passengers by rail. The parties recognise that the transit regime will not infringe upon the sovereign right of the Republic of Lithuania to exercise the necessary controls and to refuse entry into its territory.

3. On the economic and social development of the oblast, the parties agree to implement a comprehensive package of measures in order to ensure easy passage of borders for legal purposes with a view to facilitate human contacts and promote the development of the Kaliningrad Region. In this context, the EU will continue to support technically and financially Russian efforts to promote the economic development of the Kaliningrad Region and to strengthen cross-border co-operation along the borders of the enlarged EU with Russia, including measures to improve border management and border infrastructure. The parties note that development of the Kaliningrad Region is important for the overall development of the Baltic Sea area.

4. The parties agree that any further talks on the implementation of this understanding should proceed in the framework of the EU/Russia Partnership and Cooperation Agreement.

Arrangements for the transit of persons and goods

5. The European Union will introduce the necessary legislation to establish by 1 July 2003 a Facilitated Transit Document (FTD) scheme to apply for the transit of Russian citizens only between Kaliningrad and other parts of Russia by land. The FTD will be valid for direct transit by land from one third country to the same third country within a limited period of time and will be issued free of charge or at a very low cost.

6. The FTD scheme will allow for two types of FTD to be issued to Russian citizens. For multiple entry direct transit via all forms of transport by land to and from Kaliningrad, an FTD would be obtainable on the basis of an application to a Lithuanian consulate, and subject to necessary checks and controls.

7. In addition, for those Russian citizens intending to make single return trips by train through the territory of the Republic of Lithuania, a Facilitated Rail Travel Document (FRTD) would be obtainable on the basis of personal data submitted at the time of ticket purchase. This information would be forwarded in electronic, or any other agreed, form within time limits also to be agreed by the parties. Tickets would not be issued by the Russian authorities to those Russian citizens where the Republic of Lithuania had objections to their transit via Lithuanian territory. An FRTD would then be delivered by the competent Lithuanian authorities to the passenger at, or before, the Lithuanian border once the Republic of Lithuania had checked that the travel documentation carried by the passenger was in order. Bearers of an FRTD would not alight in Lithuania and the duration for each transit would be limited in time. The EU will provide assistance to Lithuania for any additional costs of this scheme.

8. The parties noted that the Republic of Lithuania has agreed to accept Russian internal passports as a basis for issuing both types of FTD until 31 December 2004. Thereafter, an FTD or FRTD would only be valid when accompanied by passport valid for international travel.

9. The European Union and the Russian Federation have agreed that they will begin work immediately, in cooperation with the relevant candidate countries, on the technical implementation of the FTD scheme with the goal of ensuring that the conditions are in place for the scheme to begin operation on 1 July 2003. The Russian Federation took note of the European Union’s intention to review the operation of the FTD scheme no later than 2005.

10. The EU has taken note of the Russian proposal for visa free transit by high speed non-stop train. A decision to launch a feasibility study in 2003 by independent consultants will be taken by the EU with the agreement of Lithuania when there is agreement on the Terms of Reference for the study. The Commission will as soon as possible after the meeting of the European Council in Copenhagen initiate the process of developing Terms of Reference to be worked out by the Commission in cooperation with Lithuania. The recommendations of the10. The EU has taken note of the Russian proposal for visa free transit by high speed non-stop train. A decision to launch a feasibility study in 2003 by independent consultants will be taken by the EU with the agreement of Lithuania when there is agreement on the Terms of Reference for the study. The Commission will as soon as possible after the meeting of the European Council in Copenhagen initiate the process of developing Terms of Reference to be worked out by the Commission in cooperation with Lithuania. The recommendations of the feasibility study must be in accordance with the Schengen acquis. The feasibility study should be completed as soon as possible.

The Russian Federation takes note that a decision on the high speed non-stop train option could only be taken after Lithuania’s accession to the EU, on the basis of a thorough evaluation of the political and legal aspects and once the technical obstacles have been overcome.

11. The Russian Federation confirmed its intention to conclude an intergovernmental readmission agreement with the Republic of Lithuania covering persons of all nationalities. Negotiations on this agreement shall start as early as possible and should be in place no later than 30 June 2003. From 2002, the Russian Federation and the European Union agree to launch negotiations for a bilateral readmission agreement.

12. The EU, the relevant candidate countries and Russia will co-operate on measures inter alia to expand consular offices and open new ones on each other’s territories.

Russia will:

- approve before the end of 2002 the expansion of the Lithuanian Consulate General in Kaliningrad and the opening of a new consulate in Sovetsk.

- favourably consider requests to open consulates in the Kaliningrad Region from other EU and candidate countries.

13. The European Union notes the Russian Federations intention to continue to make best endeavours with regard to speeding up the issuance of passports valid for international travel to its citizens.

14. The European Union and the Russian Federation agree that all of the above mentioned provisions are mutually complementary and are considered as a single package.

15. The Russian Federation and the European Union agree to continue discussions within the PCA framework on the appropriate technical modalities for the transit of goods.