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Official website of the President of Russia


List of Orders for the Government of the Russian Federation

January 1, 2005

1. To make proposals for developing additional measures to improve the problem of children's homelessness and neglect, including supporting adoption institutions and children's homes. To personally supervise the development of the appropriate measures and their implementation. To report on how previous decisions on the same questions are being implemented.

2. To finish and bring before the State Duma the project of a federal law that provides for military service being reduced to twelve months as of January 1, 2008, to change and abolish some of the criteria for granting citizens exemption from military service, and also exempt from military service students who have completed their education in institutions for higher learning having done their training in military departments.

3. To finish and bring before the State Duma the project of a federal law modifying legal statutes in the Russian Federation with a view to providing higher education for those soldiers, sailors and sergeants who have served no less than three years on contractual military service with the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, with other military forces and organizational bodies. This includes providing them with the right to bypass competitions for entering federal institutions for higher education, for training to prepare to entrance tests, and to receive increased grants during that period of preparation and training.

4. To analyse the pension level for citizens who worked in the Far North and other such territories and to reconsider conserving the level of pension received by these citizens once they depart from the above areas.

5. To personally supervise the implementation of previous orders concerning compensation payments to citizens permanently living in the territory of the Chechen Republic for the destruction of housing and property damaged during the resolution of the crisis in the Republic.

6. To appoint a federal agency to supervise the implementation of federal target programmes and subprogrammes concerning providing young families and young graduates with housing in rural areas, as well as to coordinate activities in this sphere and make necessary changes to existing law. All this is to be done with a view to using funds from the federal budget in the most effective way.

7. To analyse the situation with respect to providing certain categories of citizens, who have the right to receive medicine for free or at reduced rates, and to take additional measures to implement these state guarantees.

8. To analyse the situation in the regions with respect to providing students with reductions in public transport.

9. To work with the heads of the Russian-wide television channels on the issue of providing information for people who are hard of hearing.