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Official website of the President of Russia

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Executive Order on establishing Circle of Kindness Foundation supporting children with severe life-threatening and chronic diseases, including rare (orphan) diseases

January 6, 2021

The President signed the Executive Order On Establishing the Circle of Kindness Foundation to Support Children with Severe Life-threatening and Chronic Diseases, Including Rare (Orphan) Diseases.

To render medical aid to children with serious life-threatening and chronic diseases including rare (orphan) diseases, the President resolved to establish the Circle of Kindness Foundation supporting children with serious life-threatening and chronic diseases, including rare (orphan) diseases.

According to the Executive Order, the Healthcare Ministry of the Russian Federation shall be the Foundation’s founder; the Foundation’s activity shall be funded by allocations from the federal budget, voluntary asset contributions and donations, and other sources in line with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

January 6, 2021