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Official website of the President of Russia

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Executive Order awarding the Hero of Labour title and the Russian Federation plaque For Excellence in Labour

May 1, 2024

The President of Russia signed Executive Order On Awarding State Decorations of the Russian Federation

For outstanding achievements, high professionalism and many years of dedicated labour, the title of Hero of Labour of the Russian Federation has been bestowed on:

Lyudmila Bespalova, Head of Department, Lukyanenko National Grain Centre, Krasnodar Territory

Mikhail Budnichenko, General Director, Production Association Northern Mechanical Engineering Enterprise, Arkhangelsk Region

Yeltugan Syzdykov, First Deputy General Director, Deputy Director for Research and Development, Chief Designer, Bereznyak Raduga State Engineering Design Bureau, Moscow Region

Alexei Khalmakshinov, driver, Razrez Tugnuisky coalmine, Republic of Buryatia

Vladimir Shchedov, mill operator at the Andrei Varichev Mikhailovsky GOK’s iron ore concentration plant, Kursk Region.

For their notable contribution to the development of domestic industry and outstanding achievements in industrial production, the Russian Federation plaque For Excellence in Labour has been presented to the teams of:

Omsk Transport Engineering Plant

Production Association Northern Mechanical Engineering Enterprise, Arkhangelsk Region

Ruspolimet Company, Nizhny Novgorod Region

Protsenko Start Production Association federal research and production centre, Penza Region

Bardin Central Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy, Moscow.

May 1, 2024