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Official website of the President of Russia

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Conversation with Vice President of China Han Zheng

May 17, 2024, Harbin

Vladimir Putin had a conversation with Vice President of the People’s Republic of China Han Zheng.

Vice President of China Han Zheng (retranslated): Mr President,

I would like to congratulate you on your re-election as President with a record number of votes. It is convincing proof of the Russian people’s solid support and confidence in you. I have no doubt that Russia will attain its high national development goals under your guidance.

Yesterday, you held friendly and substantive talks with President Xi Jinping in Beijing, where you reached extremely important agreements. We will certainly fulfil all of your instructions. You also coordinated a plan for building up our partnership.

Once again, welcome to China.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr Vice President of China Han Zheng,

First, I would like to thank you for accompanying our delegation and me in Harbin.

We held extremely substantive and extensive talks with the President of China yesterday. Our meetings were informative and useful.

You yourself, when you were head of the intergovernmental commission, made a valuable contribution to the development of bilateral relations. I hope that we will yet do more together to attain the goals we set to ourselves. We would be happy to see you at the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok.

North-East China and Russia share a long history of cooperation and joint struggle for independence and for strengthening sovereignty. Our comradeship – in the literal sense of the word – grew even stronger during the Second World War. It is the foundation we will use to accomplish even more together.


May 17, 2024, Harbin