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Official website of the President of Russia

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Visit to the Victory Park memorial complex

May 27, 2024, Tashkent

Vladimir Putin and President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the Victory Park memorial complex in Tashkent.

The two leaders laid flowers at the Ode to Fortitude memorial devoted to an Uzbek woman Zulfia Zakirova, who lived in the Khanabad village, Zangiota District of the Tashkent Region, and who lost five sons at the front during the Great Patriotic War. The memorial represents all the women whom the war has deprived of children, husbands and loved ones.

Then, Vladimir Putin and Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the Museum of Glory, where they toured an exhibition dedicated to the history of Uzbekistan’s participation in the Great Patriotic War.

The Victory Park memorial complex opened on May 9, 2020. The complex is divided into 12 symbolic zones. A Victory Arch resembling a five-pointed star is installed at the entrance to the park. A man-made hill was erected on the territory of the complex, on top of which there is the Eternal Feat sculptural composition with a monument to the Hero of the Soviet Union, Major-General Sabir Rakhimov, and all Uzbek soldiers who took part in the Great Patriotic War.

Right now, preparations are underway on the territory of the memorial complex to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Great Victory.

May 27, 2024, Tashkent