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Official website of the President of Russia

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Congratulations to railway transport workers and veterans

August 3, 2014

Vladimir Putin congratulated workers and veterans of Russia’s railway transport on their professional holiday, Railway Workers’ Day.

The message reads, in part:

“Russia is rightly proud of the sector’s fine history and its significant achievements. Railways play an enormous role in strengthening our nation’s economic potential, developing interregional and international ties, and resolving major social challenges.

This is a special year for Russia; we successfully held the XXII Winter Olympic Games. Hundreds of thousands of Olympic Games guests and participants duly appreciated the contribution the railway workers made to improve the transport infrastructure in Sochi and building Olympic facilities there.

Today, you are facing challenges that are no less important. They include modernising communications and rolling stock, and implementing new management and logistics technology. We need to broaden the network of high-speed routes and improve the quality of services offered. Only then can we make Russia’s railway industry truly cutting-edge, meeting the needs of a modern, competitive economy.”

August 3, 2014