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The President approved a list of instructions following a meeting with Government members held on October 11, 2018.
The Government of the Russian Federation was instructed to submit proposals for providing the Russian regions with federal funding to compensate for unplanned expenses in housing and utilities related to fuel oil price increases in the first half of 2018.
In addition, the instructions concern the participation by Russian Railways in funding railway development projects included in the Comprehensive Plan for Upgrading and Expanding Mainline Infrastructure, as well as the allocation of federal budget funds to implement the high-speed and fast rail service between major cities under the plan, subject to reaching break-even operation of the railway line under construction.
The Finance Ministry, together with the Transport Ministry, was instructed to work out the issue of distributing evenly the funding of the transport part of the Comprehensive Plan for Upgrading and Expanding Mainline Infrastructure for 2020–2024.
October 24, 2018