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Official website of the President of Russia

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Agreement on maintaining specialisation of enterprises and organisations producing military goods within the CSTO framework sent to State Duma for ratification

June 27, 2012

Vladimir Putin sent to the State Duma for ratification the Agreement on Maintaining Specialisation of Enterprises and Organisations Producing Military Goods within the Collective Security Treaty Organisation Framework.

The agreement was signed by the heads of state of all CSTO member countries at the CSTO Collective Security Council meeting in Moscow on December 10, 2010. 

The agreement is a framework document for making joint efforts to maintain specialisation of companies and organisations producing military goods in the interest of all of the CSTO member countries.

The agreement’s main provision is an instruction to the CSTO Interstate Commission on Military-Economic Cooperation on drafting a list of enterprises and organisations with specialisations that it would be expedient to maintain in the interests of military-economic cooperation within the CSTO. 

June 27, 2012