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Official website of the President of Russia

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Presidential grants to develop civil society have been awarded

June 13, 2024

First Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office Sergei Kiriyenko chaired a meeting of the Coordinating Committee for organising Presidential Grant competitions for the development of civil society to sum up the results of the second grant programme in 2024.

Winners in this competition included 1,357 socially-oriented non-profits from 87 regions. Having topped the scoring table following an independent review, they will receive Presidential grants totalling 3.4 billion rubles to carry out their projects. A total of 10,539 civil-society initiatives from 89 regions applied for grants.

The results of this year’s first competition to award these grants were announced back on January 12, 2024. This year, Presidential grants will enable non-profits to undertake 2,916 socially-oriented projects worth 15 billion rubles, including 7.8 billion from the Presidential Grant Foundation. These projects will cover all 89 regions of Russia.

In addition, non-profits will benefit from regional support for carrying out over 4,000 initiatives following competitions held in 80 constituent entities of the Russian Federation with the Presidential Grant Foundation offering 2 billion rubles in co-financing.

June 13, 2024