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Official website of the President of Russia

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Instructions following meeting of Council for Strategic Development and National Projects and State Council commissions on socioeconomic development

August 4, 2024

The President approved a list of instructions following an expanded meeting of the Presidential Council for Strategic Development and National Projects and State Council commissions on socioeconomic development of the Russian Federation, held on May 29, 2024.

Instructions to the Government of the Russian Federation, together with State Council commissions on socioeconomic development, concern the use of domestic technology, equipment, materials, works and services when implementing national projects; factoring ESG principles into national projects; devising environmental performance indicators for the initiatives underway, including in terms of minimising environment pollution risks, improving resource use and energy efficiency, using secondary resources and recyclables, as well as nurturing technology and solutions to reduce and absorb greenhouse gas emissions, while adjusting the economy to climate change.

Instructions to the Government of the Russian Federation, together with the State Council Commission on Infrastructure for Life, when working on a national project of the same name, concern, in particular, the alignment of programmes to connect households to natural gas distribution networks with upgrading and building transport, utilities, social and other kinds of infrastructure; on including strategically-located administrative centres, restricted-access territorial units which are home to Roscosmos and Rosatom facilities, as well as science cities, communities hosting strategic organisations and carrying out major investment projects designed to strengthen Russia’s technological sovereignty, into the list of 200 cities and metropolitan areas which will get their own master development plans.

Instructions to the Government of the Russian Federation, together with the State Council Commission on Infrastructure for Life, also concern various matters related to the quality of urban environment, ensuring that housing construction goes hand in hand with the construction of necessary social infrastructure, road structures such as bridges and overpasses are brought up to standard and public transit fleets benefit from upgrades, while following an integral and comprehensive approach to all other socioeconomic and spatial development matters for these communities.

Instructions to the Government of the Russian Federation, together with relevant State Council commissions and with input from VEB.RF state corporation, DOM.RF joint-stock company and the expert community, concern the development of backbone communities with a population of under 250,000, including by improving key urban services and infrastructure, and providing educational, social, healthcare services, and also cultural and entertainment opportunities.

A number of instructions to achieve the Ecological Well-being national goal were issued to the Government of the Russian Federation, together with the corresponding State Council commission.

The Government of the Russian Federation, together with the corresponding State Council commission, received instructions to explore, when drafting the Youth and Children national project, the issues pertaining to military patriotic education for children and youth by involving special military operation participants and branches of the Centre for Promoting Youth Military and Sports Training and Patriotic Education across Russia and allocating additional funding from the federal budget to this effect in 2025–2030. Instructions also deal with promoting children’s and youth tourism, helping children discover and nurture their talent, and expanding the Region for Young People youth development programme, while also expanding the network of regional year-round youth educational centres.

Several instructions deal with international matters. This includes efforts to draft the Russia in the World federal project, designed to promote international youth cooperation and traditional Russian spiritual and moral values abroad; hold academic excellence Olympiads and competitions to attract foreign nationals; award grants to inspire foreign nationals to study and work in Russia; expand the New Generation programme, which offers foreigners an opportunity to visit and discover Russia during short-term trips; undertake joint research projects and organise internship programmes for Russian and international undergraduate, postgraduate students, researchers and specialists; hold a competition to support cultural and educational projects dealing with major social issues for foreign individuals and entities; hold international festivals such as the World Youth Festival; promote the Russian language within the CIS and in other countries.

Instructions on education and science deal with implementing the federal project Universities for a Generation of Leaders. This includes establishing youth laboratories, holding an annual Young Researchers’ Convention, recruiting leading scientists, post-graduate students and young researchers from among foreign nationals and compatriots living abroad through mega-grants programme, building a talent pool of managers for research, technology and higher education sectors, developing the existing advanced engineering schools and creating 50 new ones, carrying out the Priority 2030 strategic academic leadership programme, as well as the federal project titled “Creating a network of up-to-date campuses.”

The instructions also provide for allocating additional funding from the federal budget in 2025–2030 for offering career guidance and counselling opportunities to all school students in grades 6 through 11, enabling natural science subjects teachers in schools to benefit from advanced professional training, promoting vocational professions, holding vocational excellence championships, setting up health stations and offering healthcare services at educational institutions.

The Government of the Russian Federation, together with the State Council Commission on the Economy and Finance, were instructed to take decisions on ways to use funds which were released as part of the initiative to write off the regions’ federal budget loan debts and use these funds to finance infrastructure projects.

Several instructions were also issued to the Government of the Russian Federation together with the State Council commissions on Efficient Transport System, Long and Active Life, and Family.

Additionally, the Government of the Russian Federation has been instructed to release extra funding from the federal budget in 2025–2030 for carrying out measures as part of the Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation state programme to establish world-class research and educational centres and supporting them; undertaking equipment upgrades at leading research institutions; carrying out the Federal Science and Technology Programme for the Development of Genetics Technology and the Federal Science and Technology Programme for the Development of Synchrotron and Neutron Research; promoting cooperation among higher education institutions, research institutions and manufacturers; holding research and maritime expeditions.

As part of the Digital Transformation of State and Municipal Administration, the Economy and Social Sphere national goal, the Government of the Russian Federation received instructions dealing with ensuring reliable communications and high-speed internet access in sparsely-populated and border communities, remote territories and along federal motorways and passenger railways; offering subsidised loans to communications operators to upgrade their fixed-line telephony and building up capacity of their mobile networks; further expanding the communications, television and radio broadcasting satellite constellation; completing the initiative to deploy Wi-Fi standard wireless networks to offer internet connections at state and municipal secondary schools and vocational training colleges, providing Russian tablet PCs to teachers and ambulance doctors running a domestically produced operating system with the view to guaranteeing safe access to information systems in education and healthcare.

In the digital sector, the Government of the Russian Federation received instructions dealing with developing information, technology and telecommunications infrastructure for countering IT-related threats jeopardising internet stability, safety and integrity in Russia, countering cybercrime, as well as modernising and ensuring the digital transformation of the Russian Post so as to ensure that individuals and entities in Russia can benefit from quality channels for exchanging information, goods and services across the country.

The Government of the Russian Federation, together with regional executive bodies, as well as the State Council commissions on Physical Fitness and Sports, Long and Active Life, Youth and Children, the Economy and Finance, has been instructed to draft and approve a comprehensive state programme, Development of Physical Fitness and Sports, designed to achieve national development goals until 2030 and for the period up to 2036.

The Government of the Russian Federation received instructions to work with the Bank of Russia to review the mortgage lending market in view of the changes to the family mortgage programme for families with children and submit proposals to amend this initiative as needed.

The President instructed the Accounts Chamber to carry out a detailed performance review regarding budget spending on efforts included in the national projects in terms of using domestic technology, equipment, materials, works and services.

The Presidential Executive Office, together with the Government, received instructions to factor “the aggregate birth rate” into the list of performance indicators for assessing performance by senior government officials and regional executive bodies of the Russian Federation.

August 4, 2024