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Official website of the President of Russia

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Meeting of the Inter-Agency Working Group on Countering Illegal Financial Transactions

June 25, 2024

Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office Anton Vaino chaired a meeting, via videoconference, of the Inter-Agency Working Group on Countering Illegal Financial Transactions.

The meeting participants reviewed the progress made on the 2023–2025 roadmap for implementing Approaches to Countering Illegal Activity in the Financial Market of the Russian Federation.

Representatives of the Prosecutor General’s Office, the Bank of Russia, the Federal Service for Financial Monitoring, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media, and the Federal Anti-Monopoly Service presented their reports.

The meeting participants agreed on a range of additional measures to counter legal offences associated with providing unlawful financial services and exploiting citizens’ property through financial pyramid schemes, including those conducted online.

Following the meeting, federal government bodies received specific instructions and recommendations on organising cooperation and information exchanges, and on drafting proposals on amending legislation.

June 25, 2024