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Official website of the President of Russia

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Priority areas of scientific and technological development and a list of major knowledge-intensive technologies approved

June 18, 2024

Vladimir Putin signed Executive Order On Approving Priority Areas of Scientific and Technological Development and the List of Major Knowledge-Intensive Technologies.

Having considered the proposals by the Presidential Council for Science and Education, the President resolved to approve the priority areas of scientific and technological development and the list of major knowledge-intensive technologies attached to the Executive Order.

The Government of the Russian Federation was instructed, in particular, to determine within three months the amount of financing and the procedure for implementing measures related to the development and accelerated introduction into the economy of the most important knowledge-intensive technologies, including under national projects to ensure technological leadership, as well as to ensure that the legislation of the Russian Federation is amended in accordance with this Executive Order.

The list of priority areas of scientific and technological development includes:

1. Highly efficient and resource-saving power engineering.

2. Preventive and personalised medicine, ensuring healthy longevity.

3. Highly productive agriculture resistant to changes in the environment.

4. Security of obtaining, storing, transferring and processing information.

5. Smart transport and telecommunication systems, including autonomous vehicles.

6. Enhancing the socio-cultural identity of Russian society and raising its educational level.

7. Adaptation to climate change, conservation and rational use of natural resources.

June 18, 2024