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Official website of the President of Russia

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Instructions following meeting with Government members

April 2, 2020

Vladimir Putin approved a list of instructions following the meeting with Government members held on March 17, 2020.

The Government was instructed as follows:

- To provide citizens with prompt and accurate information (including via the media and the internet) about the spread of the novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19) in the world and in Russia, as well as hold awareness-raising events regarding the prevention of the disease;

- To boost the production of personal protective equipment and disinfecting materials for medical facilities, pharmacies and other organisations, as well as create a reserve of these items for state and municipal purposes;

- Federal research, medical and other organisations are to engage in the development of new test systems for the diagnosis of the novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19) and preventive vaccines;

- To allocate funds from the 2020 federal budget to make incentive payments for work in special conditions and for the extra workload on medical personnel providing medical assistance to citizens infected with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and those who carry out in-house monitoring of the health of citizens in the risk groups, as well as employees of the Federal Service for the Oversight of Consumer Protection and Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor) engaged in examining and detecting citizens infected with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

The Government, with the participation of information and telecommunication companies, was instructed to provide citizens with free access to Russian online resources, including those providing public services, distance learning and the online order of medicines.

Instructions to the Government and executive authorities of Russian regions concern the provision of the required number of hospital beds for patients with the novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19); ensuring reserve supplies of the necessary medicines, medical devices, medical equipment and test systems for the diagnosis of COVID-19; establishing working conditions for the personnel of the relevant medical facilities and providing them with protective clothing and personal protective equipment; formulating recommendations for organisations, under all forms of ownership, on the use of flexible schedules, and switching educational institutions to distance learning while the infection is spreading.

The Government and executive authorities of Russian regions together with the Bank of Russia were instructed to adopt measures to address the economic consequences of the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in Russia, including measures to ensure the stability of the systemically important and backbone enterprises and sectors, as well as the sustainability and balance of regional budgets, to support small and medium-sized businesses and to minimise the relevant consequences for the citizens.

In addition, the Government and the Bank of Russia were instructed to devise an action plan to develop housing construction and mortgages and work out a series of relevant issues.

Recommendations to the Bank of Russia are related to increasing the availability of mortgage loans for citizens.

April 2, 2020