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Official website of the President of Russia

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Greetings to National Congress of Endocrinologists

May 21, 2024

Vladimir Putin sent a message of greetings to participants, organisers and guests of the 5th (30th) National Congress of Endocrinologists, Innovative Technologies in Endocrinology, being held in Moscow on May 21–24.

The message reads, in part:

“It is gratifying that Moscow is hosting, at the initiative of the Russian Association of Endocrinologists, traditional gatherings of leading scientists, geneticists, doctors, representatives of allied professions, and healthcare sector managers from various Russian regions and foreign countries. This significant group of participants along with a busy agenda will allow you to discuss, in the course of the plenary meeting and open debates, a wide range of current professional issues, exchange experience, and familiarise yourselves with the results of fundamental research and breakthroughs in the field of innovative technologies. You will be able to put forward new, modern approaches to enhancing the efficiency of preventive measures, diagnostics, and treatment of endocrine diseases.

I am confident that this congress will be held in a businesslike and constructive atmosphere and that its decisions will facilitate active implementation of advanced medical practices into the operations of hospitals, in-patient facilities, and medical centres throughout the country.”

May 21, 2024