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Official website of the President of Russia

Документ   /

Instructions concerning healthcare development

June 29, 2024

The President approved a list of instructions on healthcare development.

The Government of the Russian Federation has been instructed to discuss and submit proposals on involving the Union of the Medical Community ‘National Medical Chamber’ in developing public healthcare standards and regulations; on raising the level of responsibility for heads of federal executive bodies and top officials of the Russian regions for implementing the Presidential decisions on medical care; on developing self-regulation in healthcare and pharmaceutical activity; and on improving the system of ongoing medical education for medical and pharmaceutical professionals.

The Healthcare Ministry, together with the Moscow City Government, has been instructed to involve the National Research Institute for Emergency Children's Surgery and Traumatology (Moscow) in coordinating the provision of medical help to children injured as a result of military conflicts, terrorist attacks or emergency situations, including accidents, disasters and natural hazards.

The Russian Popular Front has been recommended to continue monitoring the implementation of Presidential decisions on healthcare, including the submission of annual reports on such monitoring.

June 29, 2024