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Official website of the President of Russia

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Nikolai Patrushev held a meeting with the Navy command

September 23, 2024, St Petersburg

Aide to the President and Chair of the Maritime Board Nikolai Patrushev discussed the implementation status of the Presidential decisions regarding the strategic development of the Navy. Additionally, current issues related to fleet combat readiness, ship construction and deployment, as well as infrastructure conditions and base facilities came under review. Emphasis was placed on planned initiatives designed to strengthen Russia’s defence capabilities in the global sea and to maintain at a high level of the country’s naval capability.

The outcomes of the strategic command-and-staff exercise Ocean-2024, which involved the fleets and the Caspian Flotilla, were reviewed as well.

The meeting was attended by Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Alexander Moiseyev and senior officers from the Navy's high command.

On the same day, Nikolai Patrushev toured the Admiral Kuznetsov Naval Academy and its branch, the Military Institute of Advanced Professional Training.

Issues related to improving the training of senior command specialists for the Navy were discussed in detail in order to implement the naval development priorities and to maintain the personnel potential at a level that ensures the effective use of naval forces.

Nikolai Patrushev visited the Baltic Shipyard as well. Plans for expanding the enterprise and building nuclear icebreakers were reviewed at a meeting that was held at the shipyard’s management office.

September 23, 2024, St Petersburg