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Official website of the President of Russia

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Meeting with graduates of higher military schools

June 21, 2024, The Kremlin, Moscow

In the Grand Kremlin Palace’s St George Hall, Vladimir Putin met with top graduates of Russia’s higher military schools under the Defence Ministry, Emergencies Ministry, Federal Security Service, Federal Guard Service and National Guard, as well as the higher education institutions under the Interior Ministry, Investigative Committee and Federal Penitentiary Service.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Comrades officers, friends.

Beginning this ceremony, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations on the successful completion of your studies, a truly significant and pivotal stage in your life.

You have successfully completed your education at prestigious universities affiliated with the Ministry of Defence, the Emergencies Ministry, law enforcement agencies, and special services. You have inherited the legacy of many generations of your predecessors, and I am confident that you are fully prepared to tackle important tasks in ensuring the security of the Motherland.

Traditionally, we celebrate the top graduates of military academies, institutes, and universities in the St George Hall of the Moscow Kremlin. This hall stands as a symbol and guardian of our nation’s military glory. Here, one can deeply sense the inseparable bond between the history of our army and Russia itself, embodying sovereign strength, greatness, and victories that will forever be cherished in the grateful memory of our people.

We hold dear every chapter of our nation’s military history, honouring the names of heroes who spared no effort for the sake of its freedom and future.

In times of great battles, the legendary traditions of our military academy were forged, shaping the enduring qualities that define our soldiers, from the lowest ranks to the marshals. These include a love for our Motherland, unparalleled resilience, and courage. These traits determined the outcomes of battles and wars, repeatedly shaping the destiny of our Fatherland, while fostering cohesion and unity among our people, uniting the frontlines and the home front.

In just a few days, we will mark a significant and unforgettable event: the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from Nazi occupation. Recently, I had the opportunity to discuss this with the President of Belarus. This daring and monumental operation was famously named Operation Bagration in honour of our esteemed commander, a hero renowned from Suvorov’s campaigns to the Patriotic War of 1812. Soviet forces acted with boldness and professionalism, swiftly and decisively advancing and defeating an enemy force of hundreds of thousands. The road to liberating Europe from Nazism was paved through the courage and valour of our soldiers and commanders, marking a crucial stride toward the Great Victory.

Today, the descendants of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War proudly uphold and continue the military traditions of our Motherland. They steadfastly defend our sovereignty and security, protect our territories and citizens in Donbass and Novorossiya from neo-Nazis, prove in practice that our Armed Forces and its pillars – the officer corps and centuries-old cohesion and unity of our multiethnic country – is as an unstoppable force.


Russia consistently advocates enhanced stability on the planet and a just and democratic multipolar world order. Recently, at the meeting with Foreign Ministry senior staff, I described our vision on creating equal and indivisible security in Eurasia. We are ready for a broad international discussion of these key, vital issues, with our colleagues in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, the CIS, the EAEU, BRICS, and with other international associations, including European and NATO states. Naturally, when they are ready for it.

At the same time, considering the difficult international situation and new challenges and risks emerging, we will continue improving the Armed Forces, building our defence policy based on advanced technologies and sciences, as well as effective financial and economic solutions at today’s level, I mean modern trends in the sphere of armed struggle, military strategy and tactics, and of course, based on the tremendous combat experience gained during the special military operation.

As a priority, we will increase supplies to the frontline troops of various types of unmanned aircraft systems, armoured vehicles, and high-precision weapons, strike aircraft, enemy detection and counter-battery systems, control and communications systems. We will work on other up-to-date, high-tech weapons and equipment, which are now being mass-produced.

Our plans include further development of the nuclear triad as a guarantee of strategic deterrence and maintaining the balance of power in the world.

We will obviously strengthen our potential, increase the combat capabilities of all branches of the Armed Forces, put on combat duty what our best designers, engineers and workers take pride in – the latest systems that have proven their properties and truly unique characteristics, and we will also work on promising models.

We intend to further improve troop and weapons control systems, increase the intensity and quality of combat training, and conduct exercises and training, including together with friendly states.

Let me emphasise that the effectiveness of the entire work to strengthen Russia’s defence capabilities directly depends on the officers – you and your colleagues. Soon you will lead military units and, I believe, make every effort to master advanced weapons and equipment, to perfectly train personnel, and you will also be an paragon of professionalism, discipline, decency, and personal courage for your fellow soldiers.


The security of our citizens and society, stable and progressive development of Russia largely depend on the efficiency of its law enforcement system and special services.

Here, in this hall are officers, who will continue their service in the Federal Security Agency and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, National Guard and EMERCOM, Investigative Committee, Prosecutor’s Office and Federal Penitentiary Service.

You will have to solve a wide range of responsible and important tasks, first of all, to protect the rights and freedoms of Russian citizens, to fight crime, corruption, terrorism and extremism.

Active assistance to our servicemen in the special military operation remains a priority, first of all, in maintaining law and order, legality and peaceful life of people in the liberated regions, in investigating the crimes of neo-Nazis and punitive forces, who must answer for their atrocities, for crimes against civilians, for terrorist attacks, for shelling our cities and villages.

I am sure that you will work promptly and properly and achieve tangible results in all assigned areas.


Russian citizens believe in you and expect you to perfectly execute your duties. While applying in practice the knowledge you have gained, you will act the way your teachers and mentors taught you. And having chosen a difficult path for yourself, continuing the work of your predecessors, you will always be sincere patriots at all stages of your future career.

In his memoirs Georgy Zhukov wrote: “Service to my Motherland and my people was the main thing for me. And I can say with clear conscience: I have done everything to execute that duty.” Let these words of the legendary Victory Marshal serve also as a message to you, to all officers of Russia.

I wish you and all 2024 graduates health and success. All the best to your teachers and mentors, your family and friends.


Vladimir Putin: Comrades, dear friends.

Once again, I congratulate you on graduating from the educational institutions of the Ministry of Defence, special services and law enforcement agencies. I wish you good luck and all the best. We have great hopes for you.

The people of Russia are closely following every step of our army on the line of battle engagement. I have just heard a report of the Chief of the General Staff. I would like to convey congratulations on his behalf and on behalf of all your combat comrades who are fulfilling their duty to the Motherland on the line of combat contact.

All the best. Congratulations.

June 21, 2024, The Kremlin, Moscow