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Official website of the President of Russia

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Visit to Rudnevo Industrial Park

October 2, 2024, Moscow

Vladimir Putin attended the opening of the first Moscow onsite college training in the Rudnevo Industrial Park.

The event was scheduled for Vocational Education Day, which has been marked since 2022 on October 2, in accordance with a presidential executive order. This day is celebrated by 3.7 million college students and 350,000 personnel in the vocational education sector. Overall, there are nearly 3,200 colleges and vocational schools in Russia.

The Rudnevo Industrial Park is one of the six industrial clusters within the Technopolis Moscow special economic zone. The technology park also houses the Federal Centre for Drone Aviation Systems, the production facility of the Almaz-Antey Aerospace Defence Corporation and Yakovlev corporation.

The onsite training centre at the Rudnevo Park occupies a building with the total floorspace of over 9,000 square metres. It is divided into 21 workshops and laboratories, where students can learn new competencies on request from industrial park residents and other Moscow enterprises. Training is available in mechanical engineering, electronics, computer-aided manufacturing and aircraft building, including the production of unmanned aerial vehicles.

This academic year, 3,000 students from 15 Moscow colleges will undergo practical training at the Rudnevo Park under the guidance of 42 tutors and 40 staff members of industrial park residents.

Vladimir Putin was shown the laboratory of precise digital measurements, the drone final assembly facility and the versatile lathe machine area, and had a brief conversation with students. Education Minister Sergei Kravtsov reported to the President on the development plans for vocational training in Russia. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin briefed him on the implementation of the relevant plan in Moscow. The head of state was also accompanied by Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office Maxim Oreshkin.

October 2, 2024, Moscow