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Official website of the President of Russia

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Order on special decision concerning transactions (operations) by VTB Bank and persons under its control

October 9, 2024

The President signed an Order On a Special Decision on the Execution of Transactions (Operations) by VTB Bank (Public Joint-Stock Company) and Persons under its Control.

In accordance with para 5 of Presidential Executive Order No. 520 of August 5, 2022, On Special Economic Measures in the Financial and Fuel-and-Energy Spheres in Connection with the Unfriendly Actions by Certain Foreign States and International Organisations, the President authorised VTB Bank (public joint-stock company) and persons under its control to execute transactions or operations involving direct and/or indirect establishment, change, termination or encumbrance of the rights of ownership, use and/or disposal of shares of the said joint-stock company and/or shares (stakes in the equity capital) of such persons.

October 9, 2024