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Official website of the President of Russia

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Meeting with finalist families of the Our Family competition

July 8, 2024, Moscow

Vladimir Putin met with finalists of the Our Family nationwide competition at VDNKh.

Vladimir Putin congratulated all the meeting participants and all Russians on Day of Family, Love and Faithfulness.

The Our Family competition was launched in 2023 to promote traditional values, identify and support families with an active position in life. Teams consisting of several generations of family take part in it.

* * *

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon, friends.

I am happy to see you. I think the contest that we have designed and implemented has certainly been a success, because there is no other way to assess the developments of the past months. How many people took part in it? I think 600,000 people, 102,000 family teams. That is astounding, amazing.

I am aware of the fact that we have here contenders for victory, the top spots. In addition to the people who gathered here at the Russia exhibition in Moscow, we have another, I believe, 300 teams at the Senezh site who can hear and see us, and are also taking part in this joint event today.

I was quite surprised and pleased to find out that the age of the participants varies greatly. I learned from the reference materials that the youngest participant is five years old, and the oldest and most experienced participant is 91 years old. That, of course, is quite strong.

In this regard, I would like to say that regardless of who wins and who is nominated first, second, and third, all of you will certainly benefit from it, because working as a team always brings people closer. Since you decided to take part in this contest, a family contest, it means that you not only felt like a family team, but you were willing to work together to achieve a common goal. Nothing unites people like working together to achieve a common goal.

So, I congratulate you all on your successes of the past months. I am sure all your teams have benefited from it, meaning that in order to achieve the result you studied something new together and learned something new which is always an engaging thing to do.

We will need to consider how we to put this experience to good use to make sure nothing gets lost, but on the contrary, is used to strengthen Russian families. For us, for the state, nothing is more important than strengthening families, especially during the Year of the Family in Russia.

I wish you all a happy Family, Love and Faithfulness Day. And I wish every one of you a happy life as a family.

Thank you very much.


I want to congratulate you all on the finals. I want to thank you for your participation. Here, to my right, an active participant of the event said very good words: the principle of life – for each other. And success is guaranteed for everyone. For each of you and for the country as a whole.

Thank you very much and good luck to you. All the best.

All the best. I wish you success in the final stage of the contest. All the best. Thank you very much.

July 8, 2024, Moscow