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Vladimir Putin sent greetings to participants, organisers and guests of the History for the Future. A New Look forum.
The message reads, in part:
“I would like to greet all of you at Moscow’s Victory Museum on the occasion of the opening of this forum, which is bringing together famous scholars, representatives of government bodies, educational institutions, creative organisations, and the media.
I consider your meeting a serious initiative that is in demand, designed to discuss at expert level such problems as developing new approaches to the study of historical science, improving the quality of teaching history in schools and higher educational institutions and promoting the values of high civic culture in society, especially among young people. All these issues are extremely important for the formation of a coherent historical policy, which plays a significant role in ensuring the sovereign development of Russia.
I would like to stress that in order to move forward, we must maintain continuity, respect all pages of our past, the deeds and accomplishments of our ancestors and their centuries-old cultural, spiritual and military traditions; and follow the moral guidelines that they bequeathed to us. And of course, it is important to pay unremitting attention to promoting historical knowledge and firmly resist all attempts to falsify history.
I am convinced that the relevance of the forum's agenda, a broad, professional discussion of the stated topics will contribute to strengthening the authority of history as a science and academic discipline and launching promising research and educational projects.”
October 5, 2020