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Official website of the President of Russia

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Greetings to participants and guests at the 6th Moscow Conference on International Security

April 26, 2017

Vladimir Putin sent his greetings to the participants and guests at the 6th Moscow Conference on International Security

The message reads, in part:

“I greet all taking part in the 6th Moscow Conference on International Security, which is taking place under the aegis of the Russian Defence Ministry.

Your meetings have become a tradition, are rich in practical substance, and always stand out for their substantive programme and influential participants, who include representatives of defence ministries, international organisations, research and political analysis circles. On your agenda at this year’s event are serious issues that require carefully considered and consolidated approaches, above all, the fight against terrorism as the main threat to global and regional security and stability, and also the political and diplomatic resolution of numerous conflicts, particularly in the Middle East and North Africa. You will give particular attention, of course, to responses to other equally important challenges facing the world today.

I am sure that the open and constructive discussion that will take place at this forum will give participants an excellent opportunity for sharing experience and information and broadening professional contacts. This kind of direct and productive dialogue that strengthens our partnerships is absolutely essential today.”

The conference will take place on April 26–27, in Moscow.

April 26, 2017