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Vladimir Putin sent a message of greetings to the participants, organisers and guests of the 12th Gaidar Forum, Russia and the World after the Pandemic.
The message reads, in part:
“Your traditional meetings invariably attract many diverse participants, offer a packed agenda and set the benchmark for expert discussions on a wide range of issues that are crucial for Russia and other countries.
Last year our nation and the world faced the coronavirus pandemic. It became a grave threat to people’s lives and safety, an unprecedented ordeal for national economies and many key areas including healthcare, education, culture, small and medium-sized businesses, and the services sector. It is crucial for us today to learn the lessons from these new challenges and to work not only to recover business activity and the labour market but also to ensure qualitative development in all spheres including increasing average income levels, resolving infrastructure and environmental problems, and introducing advanced digital technologies in all areas. This is why I consider the theme of this year’s forum, Russia and the World after the Pandemic, exceptionally current and much needed.
I believe that the forum will be successful and that its participants will share their assessments and experience and will propose substantive initiatives and recommendations that will have broad practical application.”
January 14, 2021