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Official website of the President of Russia

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Law authorising the General Prosecutor’s Office to apply to the Constitutional Court on issues of executing the decisions of interstate agencies, the interpretation of which contradicts the Constitution of the Russian Federation signed

July 1, 2021

The President signed Federal Constitutional Law On Amendments to the Federal Constitutional Law On the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.

Given that the General Prosecutor’s Office has been assigned the function of ensuring that the interests of the Russian Federation are represented and protected in interstate agencies, foreign and international (interstate) courts, and foreign and international courts of arbitration, the Federal Constitutional Law provides for authorising the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation to petition the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on the possibility of carrying out decisions by interstate agencies based on provisions of international treaties of the Russian Federation, the interpretation of which contradicts the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The grounds for submitting this type of inquiry are being defined.

In addition, the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation is vested with the right to forward inquiries to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on the possibility of carrying out a ruling by a foreign or international (interstate) court, or a foreign or international court of arbitration that is binding on the Russian Federation, in the event this ruling is in conflict with the fundamentals of public order in the Russian Federation.

July 1, 2021