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The President approved a list of instructions following a meeting on the socioeconomic development of the Smolensk Region, held on September 9, 2023.
In order to preserve the cultural heritage site of federal importance, Fortress Walls and Towers of the 16–18th centuries, in the Smolensk Region, the Russian Government was instructed, with the participation of the Smolensk Region Administration, to ensure that emergency works are carried out in 2024 and 2025 and restoration works in 2024–2028 at the said site, by financing these works from the federal budget in the amount of at least 4.5 billion rubles.
Instructions to the Government also concern the creation of a university campus in Smolensk; the implementation of activities provided for by the regional programme Modernisation of Utility Infrastructure in the Smolensk Region; and additional capitalisation of the Smolensk regional industrial development fund.
The Russian Government, together with the Ministry of Defence and the Smolensk Region Administration, was instructed to explore the possibility of using the Smolensk-Severny airfield for civil aviation needs.
The Administration of the Smolensk Region, together with the Ministry of Economic Development, was instructed to devise and approve a plan for the development of a special economic zone of industrial and production type, Stabna, in the Smolensk Region.
Recommendations were given to Russian Railways, together with the Smolensk Region Administration, to approve and implement an action plan (roadmap) to increase exports of industrial and agricultural products of the Smolensk Region manufacturers.
October 16, 2023