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Official website of the President of Russia

Документ   /

Meeting with Kherson Region Governor Vladimir Saldo

June 25, 2024, The Kremlin, Moscow

The Governor reported to the President on the progress of agricultural work in the region, as well as the development of road and energy infrastructure.


Governor of the Kherson Region Vladimir Saldo: We possess nearly 1,300,000 hectares on the left bank of the river. Out of the 950,000 hectares, 65,000 have already been harvested. We have a lot of grain despite the decrease in crop yield resulting from the destruction of the Kakhovskaya dam. Nevertheless, the farmers…

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: There is a shortage of water, isn’t there?

Vladimir Saldo: Yes, there is a shortage of water. If there was enough water, the crop yield would have been higher. Thankfully, 1,243 combines have already started working, along with nearly 2,300 vehicles and 1,300 tractors still in operation, which is a significant number. We have fuel, thanks to everyone who delivered it.

We were fortunate not to be hit by frost, so all the crops have been preserved.

Vladimir Putin: Thank God.

Vladimir Saldo: So, we will contribute a substantial harvest to Russia's overall yield.

Vladimir Putin: I know that you have certain investment projects planned in agriculture.

Vladimir Saldo: Yes, that is correct.

Vladimir Putin: Storage facilities?

Vladimir Saldo: Yes, these include grain storages, elevators, and logistics centres for vegetables and fruits. We have a number of them, but unfortunately, there is not enough capacity. In Ukraine, these facilities were primarily privately owned, the business was involved, they built only a few refrigeration facilities locally, and that’s all. Larger storage facilities for vegetables are currently located along the banks of the Dnieper River, but sadly, many are no longer functional due to damage. However, I am optimistic that as the front lines move further out, we will be able to restore these facilities.

We are currently in the process of designing logistics centres in accordance with your instructions. Once they are completed, we will be able to preserve a greater quantity of fruits and vegetables, including melons and watermelons. We have an abundance of grapes, pears, apples, cherries (cherries from Kherson are already on sale in Moscow), and tomatoes.

Thank you for your support as we work on preparing, building and operating these facilities.

Vladimir Putin: The main priorities include connecting residential areas and industrial facilities to gas supply, restoring energy infrastructure, and large-scale housing, above all, and then the industrial construction.

Vladimir Saldo: Yes, I raised this issue during our previous meetings, and you issued instructions to prepare a plan for connecting consumers to the gas supply mains throughout the Kherson Region. Regrettably, since then, only 27 percent of consumers on the left bank of the Dnieper have been connected to the gas supply, which is why compensation gas pipeline facilities are being built as per your instructions. A gas pipeline has been built to Genichesk, where gas supply has increased by 100,000 cubic meters.

In the past, gas was transported to Crimea via our region, whereas now we receive gas via Crimea. I believe that this is a temporary solution and we will receive gas from the north soon, where a gas mainline is under construction.

We are also working jointly with Gazprom. The task, which has been assigned to Chernomorneftegaz as a gas operator, is to increase the average pressure in the gas pipeline in the northern areas and to extend this all the way to households. We are working to implement this programme. We hope that the Genichesk agglomeration will start receiving enough gas this year.

Vladimir Putin: We must also build housing, restore roads and other infrastructure, as well as housing and utility systems.

Vladimir Saldo: As per your instructions, the Government has prepared a socioeconomic development programme for 2023–2028, which will now be extended until 2030. It provides for renovating the entire road network. Our region is large, with many roads, and they are in bad condition. But thanks to the allocation of funds under the [renovation] programme, we have surpassed the target this year.

Mr President, I have a request. The weather has been good so far, and we can use it to build more roads, and we will have fulfilled our two-year plan by July 1. We have invested over seven billion rubles into renovating federal, local and municipal roads. People appreciate this, which is why roads certainly take the top place in all social polls.

As for electricity supply, the situation is the same. We experience a shortage of electricity. In fact, enough electricity is generated in the Kherson Region, but considering that…

Vladimir Putin: The distribution system must be expanded.

Vladimir Saldo: Yes, Rosseti has begun the process. We have turned over control of alternative electricity systems to the company (we have wind power generation in the Kherson Region). The Kakhovskaya dam is not working, and the grid system has been disrupted. But they are building compensation transformer stations to ensure a reliable and steady electricity supply, first to households and subsequently for the restoration of industries, agriculture and transport logistics. And our railway lines need power to operate as well.

We continue to make progress; we have accomplished a lot, but there is still much more to be done.

Vladimir Putin: We will take a look at your documents. Ok.


June 25, 2024, The Kremlin, Moscow