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Official website of the President of Russia

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Greetings on the 100th anniversary of the Ingush Autonomous Region

July 7, 2024

Vladimir Putin sent his greetings to Head of the Republic of Ingushetia Mahmoud-Ali Kalimatov, residents of the Republic of Ingushetia and participants in the festive events to mark the 100th anniversary of establishing the Ingush Autonomous Region.

The message reads, in part:

“The establishment of the autonomous region was an important landmark in the national state-building of our country, it promoted socio-economic development of the region, preservation of its language, as well as unique cultural and spiritual heritage of the local peoples.

You can rightfully be proud of the names and achievements of many generations of your countrymen, who have written bright pages in the military and labour chronicle of the Fatherland and of their valuable contribution to the development of science, art and education. Today, the Republic of Ingushetia has a considerable agrarian, industrial and tourism potential. The region is creating conditions to attract major investment, is implementing large-scale social projects and is improving its transport infrastructure.”

July 7, 2024