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Official website of the President of Russia

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Meeting with Viktoria Abramchenko

May 15, 2024, The Kremlin, Moscow

President Vladimir Putin met with former Deputy Prime Minister Viktoria Abramchenko.

Vladimir Putin: Ms Abramchenko, I would like to thank you for your work in the Government. I know that you worked actively and with great dedication, you loved your work and gave it proper attention.

I would like to thank you, and I suggest that we discuss your future work. There are some options, and I am sure you are already aware of them. Of course, I also want to congratulate you on receiving a state award. We will handle all this properly later, during our work and in a formal setting.


Viktoria Abramchenko: Mr President, first of all, I would like to thank you. You have given much attention to the environment, nature conservation issues and responsible nature management.

Thanks to your involvement in this matter, members of the entire nature conservation system feel proud, happy and inspired because the new Presidential Executive Order on National Development Goals includes environmental wellbeing as an independent national goal. In effect, the parameters of the Presidential Executive Order will now make it possible to ensure a worthy and healthy life for millions of people in our country. This emphasis on environmental reforms deserves significant attention and gratitude.

I would like to specially thank you on behalf of meteorologists, foresters and inspectors. You have decided to raise the wages of these groups of workers.

Vladimir Putin: This raise is quite modest.

Viktoria Abramchenko: But they were eagerly anticipating this decision, and were overjoyed to hear your warm praise of their work because, indeed, these people work on the ground.

We have already begun drafting the new national project called Environmental Well-Being, as per the Presidential Executive Order. As you have taught us, we prepared for this in advance. I would like to mention that this new initiative will continue the existing national project on the Environment.

We have accomplished a great deal, particularly in the area of eliminating landfill sites. You instructed us to eliminate at least 111 landfill sites by the end of 2023. These landfills are located within city limits and directly impact the lives and health of the people. We have already eliminated 128 landfills.

I would like to share some good news: I recently spoke with Chelyabinsk Region Governor Alexei Teksler, who told me that Russia’s largest landfill site has been eliminated in Chelyabinsk. The Governor, the Mayor and local residents are planning to set up greenhouses and to grow flowers there. I find it very symbolic that such dangerous facilities, which pose a threat to people’s health and the environment, will bring joy to people.

Thank you very much.

Vladimir Putin: This is true.

Thank you, too.


May 15, 2024, The Kremlin, Moscow