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Official website of the President of Russia

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Video address on Border Guards Day

May 28, 2024

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Comrades,

The staff, veterans and civilian personnel of the Border Guard Service of the Federal Security Service, I congratulate you on Border Guards Day.

Your professional holiday is widely celebrated in our country, serving as a symbol of the nation’s memory and respect for all generations of those who have defended our borders throughout our thousand-year history, from the formation of ancient Russian statehood to the present day.

The heroism of border guards during the Great Patriotic War will forever stand as an example of perseverance and unyielding will. Facing the initial assault of the enemy, they neither faltered nor retreated, but fought valiantly on the front lines and in partisan detachments, eliminated Nazi collaborators, and, alongside the entire nation, brought the Great Victory closer.

Today, you uphold these noble traditions by safeguarding the lives and security of our citizens, as well as the sovereignty and national interests of our country. You perform your duties with professionalism and dedication across all borders of Russia, from the Arctic and Pacific oceans to the Black and Baltic seas.

I want to note that, largely due to the determination of our border guards, numerous attempts by mercenary bands, traitors, and enemy sabotage groups to infiltrate Russian territory have been thwarted. Those who planned these terrorist incursions miscalculated and encountered a formidable and decisive response.

I am confident that you will continue to act with the same boldness and resolve in addressing the challenges of the special military operation and will effectively coordinate your efforts with other Federal Security Service units, the Army and Navy, law enforcement agencies, and regional and municipal leaders. And, of course, you will also rely on the support of the people who see you as their reliable defenders.

Serious and significant results must be achieved across all critical areas of border activities: combatting illegal migration and cross-border crime, drug trafficking, smuggling, and preventing illegal fishing of marine biological resources. Additionally, it is essential to facilitate the development of international economic and humanitarian cooperation and strengthen integration ties with our good neighbours and foreign partners.

The border agencies are entrusted with truly significant and responsible tasks, and I am confident that you will continue to address them with honour.

I want to express my gratitude for your dedication to duty, your diligent service in the interests of our Motherland and our people. I wish you success, good health, and all the best to you and your families and friends.

I wish you a happy holiday, comrades. Congratulations on Border Guards Day!

May 28, 2024