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Official website of the President of Russia

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Instructions following a plenary session of the congress and a meeting with the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Board Bureau members

June 21, 2024

The President approved a list of instructions following the plenary session of the congress and a meeting with the All-Russian Public Organisation Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Board Bureau members which took place on April 25, 2024.

The Government was instructed to ensure making amendments to legislation in part concerning the extension until the end of 2025 of the use of specifics of state registration of transnational companies and international foundations in special administrative districts, as well as conducting public debates to discuss the decisions adopted by main spending departments concerning the provision of subsidies from the budgetary system of the Russian Federation to legal entities, sole proprietors and individuals who engage in the production of goods and the provision of works and services.

The Government has also been instructed to review issues concerning, in particular, the use of extra-budgetary funds to advance priority investment projects that are designed to create and expand transport and utilities infrastructure; the expediency of reducing the rates of export customs duties applied to certain types of edible fish products provided that the domestic market needs for such products have been met in full; personnel training, including training of foreign nationals, in the fisheries and aquaculture (fish farming) specialties; the creation of a consortium representing the business community and leading institutions of higher education to train quantum technology personnel; the participation of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs in identifying ways to reimburse expenses incurred by small and medium-sized businesses in connection with participation in Russian exhibitions and congresses, as well as the need to adopt a federal law aimed at regulating exhibition and congress activities.

Another instruction issued to the Government concerns the provision of additional measures of support to Russian organisations aimed at creating sustainable logistics chains and infrastructure for conducting foreign economic activities in new markets in Africa, South America and Southeast Asia.

The Government, together with the State Duma, was instructed, in particular, to ensure making amendments to legislation with an eye towards reducing the minimum assets requirement for a personal foundation that is needed to ensure eligibility for the status of an international personal foundation from five billion rubles to 500 million rubles, and to extend this requirement to include previously established international personal foundations;

The Government, together with the Supreme Court, the Prosecutor General’s Office and the Investigative Committee, has been instructed to review the legal and regulatory framework that mandates the provision by the citizens who hold federal or regional civil service offices, or who are seeking to hold such offices, of information about criminal records of their close relatives and, if needed, to submit proposals to improve this legal and regulatory framework in part that relates to lifting unjustified obstacles to holding the above offices.

The Government, together with executive bodies of the Russian Federation constituent entities, has been instructed to review the practice where guardianship or custodianship agencies take children away from their parents (or one of the parents) or from other individuals in whose care they have been placed, and, if necessary, to submit proposals for improving the activities of the guardianship and custody bodies.

Instructions to the Government together with the RSPP concern certain issues of tax legislation.

June 21, 2024