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Official website of the President of Russia

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Meeting of the Commission for the Disabled

March 28, 2017

Presidential Adviser Alexandra Levitskaya chaired a meeting of the Commission for the Disabled.

Taking part in the meeting were Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council Galina Karelova, Labour and Social Protection Minister Maxim Topilin, Education and Science Minister Olga Vasilyeva, Commissioner for Human Rights Tatiana Moskalkova, Presidential Commissioner for Children's Rights Anna Kuznetsova, representatives of the Prosecutor General office, executive authorities of the Russian regions and public organisations.

Labour and Social Protection Minister Maxim Topilin reported on improvements in the state sociomedical assessment system, noting that a modern regulatory and legal framework was formed in 2014–2015 to conduct sociomedical assessments. The sociomedical assessment system is being computerised, and medical institutions are being equipped with special diagnostic equipment. The Labour and Social Protection Ministry has drafted an action plan to 2020 on improving the state sociomedical assessment system.

The meeting participants made decisions regarding the need to develop and implement additional measures to improve the state sociomedical assessment system beginning in 2017.

It was also decided to create a working group under the Commission on Improving the State Sociomedical Assessment System and Monitoring Compliance with the Adopted Decisions.

The commission supported the proposal by Chairman of the National Society for the Disabled and Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Labour, Social Policy and Veterans Mikhail Terentyev on holding an All-Russian Exhibition InvaExpo: Society for All 2017 in November 2017.

March 28, 2017