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Official website of the President of Russia

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Meeting of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives Supervisory Board

May 22, 2024, Moscow

Vladimir Putin chaired a meeting of the Supervisory Board of the autonomous non-profit organisation Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects (ASI).

Ahead of the meeting, the President toured the Technological Sovereignty exhibition on the main areas of ASI activities. The exposition is underway at the Boiling Point Arbat venue, a special location that hosts ASI lectures, seminars, workshops and business games. Since 2013, 182 ‘boiling point’ venues have been created in 71 regions of Russia.

The President was briefed on ASI’s plans through to 2030. The main goal is to support the socioeconomic development of the regions. ASI’s work, which is based on five initiatives (social, personnel, technological, environmental and business), will help reach national development goals through to 2030 and up to 2036 in perspective. The President was also informed on the methods and classifications used by ASI for seeking solutions to ensure technological sovereignty, the National Technological Initiative being a key organisation in this area.

Vladimir Putin was also told about the Strategy for the Sustainable Development of the Azov Sea Region to 2040, which ASI drafted in cooperation with VEB.RF. It will be implemented in conjunction with the plans for developing the four new regions and modernising the coal and metals industry of Donbass.

In addition, the Present was briefed about the Berloga national cyber-physical platform aimed at children’s technological education via mobile games.

Vladimir Putin was accompanied by ASI General Director Svetlana Chupsheva and Special Presidential Representative on Digital and Technological Development Dmitry Peskov.

* * *

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon, friends, colleagues,

As we understand, the meeting of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives Supervisory Board is taking place at a rather crucial moment. As you know, we have set the long-term national development goals. In order to achieve them, new national projects and programmes are being drafted and prepared for launch.

I would like to stress once again that the efforts to implement the plans and successfully respond to external challenges require coordinated actions at all levels of government and, of course, the involvement of the entire society as well as contribution of every citizen to the nation’s development.

Let me stress: we will definitely complete the most ambitious tasks, ensure economic growth and therefore the well-being of Russian families if we continue to further expand opportunities for our scientific and production teams, as well as for engineering, entrepreneurial, creative teams, volunteers and representatives of non-profits organisations.

I would like to emphasise that the Agency’s main mission has always been to support promising public, business, science and technology initiatives, and to promote the harmonious development of the regions. This is how we formulated it 13 years ago, in May 2011.

Over this time, the number of fellow-minded participants in your programmes across the entire country has exceeded a large number of ten million. It is important that in all areas of its activities, ASI interacts with regional authorities, the business community and development institutions closely and substantively.

In this regard, I would like to thank VEB.RF, Mr Shuvalov, his colleagues and predecessors for their positive contribution to the work of the Agency’s Expert Council and for creating mechanisms to select and implement public projects as part of the Strong Ideas for a New Time forum.

This is where initiatives of people, businesses, and the non-profit sector become part of the state agenda. For example, following the results of the February forum, many specific proposals were included in the Address to the Federal Assembly, for which I want to thank you; and in the strategic action programme, which gained the support of the entire nation.

I believe that the leaders of the projects that are very important and vital for the country and society are worthy of special encouragement. Hence, there is a proposal to award them with ASI’s special prize every year. I would like to ask you to think of how to create a most festive atmosphere for this so as to attract society’s attention to this and evoke a proper response.

That said, I am convinced that the main award, a powerful incentive for active, engaged people is their real participation in the development of Russia, our regions, cities and villages. This is why ASI-supported civic and business initiatives must always be reflected in national projects. At any rate, it is absolutely clear that we should strive for this.

I would also like to ask the Government, ministries and departments to synchronise their efforts, to work in close liaison, in partnership with ASI in all major areas of its activities.

This concerns personnel training, environmental wellbeing and improvement of business climate, which we will certainly discuss today. It also applies, of course, to the social sphere where ASI has conducted a lot of work. In part, while implementing the National Social Initiative, ASI is helping regions of the Federation to draft regional plans for increasing the birth rate and measures to support families with many children, proceeding from real situations in life.

Furthermore, joint efforts in technological development are crucial. ASI’s expertise is also in demand here. This is all the more so since the first national technological sovereignty project on drones was drafted and launched thanks, in large measure, to the contribution of private companies and university teams under the National Technological Initiative.

I consider it correct to involve NTI participants in drafting all national technological sovereignty projects. It is mandatory to take into account the opinion of innovators and entrepreneurs in drafting plans for the development of advanced industries, as well as mechanisms for priority education of personnel and assistance to technological business.

And we should certainly develop cooperation with friendly countries, those who are willing to work with us, to jointly create products and innovations that the citizens and economies of our countries need.

Just now at the exhibition, our colleagues spoke in detail about our proposals on all these issues and rightly said that many domestic companies are already leaders in a number of advanced areas. They are ready to build technological and production chains themselves. This year, as part of Russia's BRICS presidency, we will definitely discuss the Agency's proposals on these topics with our partners during the preparations for the summit. We have contacts with our colleagues through various channels, and these issues can always be discussed in one format or another and brought up for discussion. We will work out a joint action plan for the future.

In general, I ask the Agency to more actively promote international partnership, as part of its activities, and participate in promoting the best Russian practices, brands and projects globally. And I think you realise this: the more effective we are, the more difficult it will be for our ill-wishers to restrict us in any way. On the contrary, if effective solutions are offered, they will definitely be purchased despite any restrictions. The market will streamline everything. And of course, we have to fight for the market.

At the same time, of course, our domestic agenda and efforts to implement national projects must unconditionally remain in ASI’s focus. It is in this logic, taking into account the provisions of the Executive Order On the National Development Goals, that I ask you to develop and approve an updated strategy for its activities. We have also been talking about this now, Ms Chupsheva told us about it. I think she will now repeat and elaborate on some matters. This document should identify the goals, objectives, and key instruments of ASI’s work for the next decade.

I would like to speak separately about ASI's work to improve the business environment.

We have done a lot within the framework of the National Entrepreneurial Initiative (to be more precise, you have done a lot, and it has actually worked out well), and we have launched the National Rating of the Investment Climate in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. We will constantly go forward and step up our efforts, because private initiative and entrepreneurial talent will continue to be the driver of the economy and the country’s development as a whole.

I would like to hear how your joint work with leading business associations to create a national model of targeted business environment is progressing. I mean the system of guidelines for a comfortable business environment, which should be joined in by all levels of government, from municipalities to federal ministries and agencies.

Another important topic I suggest we discuss today is a standard of business social capital. We have agreed from the outset that there would be no excessive bureaucracy or formal reporting. On the contrary, I find this fundamentally important to create a system of working incentives and support tools for companies that make an effective contribution to strengthening technological and industrial sovereignty, create new jobs, take care of employees, implement social and environmental programmes, support participants in the special military operation, and improve and sometimes even build new modern cities and towns. I know that you have such examples. If you think it is possible, it would be good to present them.

In conclusion, I would like to note that all our plans – economic, technological and also social – have the most essential dimension and the most important indicator for assessing our work – the well-being of our people.

I think it would be right if the National Quality of Life Ranking in the Russian Regions, which is compiled annually by the Agency, serves as an integral mechanism for assessing the actions of the Government and the regions in implementing the national goals. In fact, it covers all the key areas: family support, education, healthcare, ecological well-being, and forming an environment for living in our regions.

I suggest hearing the results of the 2023 ranking today. By tradition, I would like to ask you to pay special attention to the constituent entities of the Federation that have shown high positive dynamics and strive to create and expand opportunities for self-fulfilment of people.

Traditionally, the ranking is topped by Moscow, St Petersburg, the Tyumen Region, the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area, and Tatarstan. As for the growth dynamics, as I have already said, these are the Kemerovo Region, the Volgograd Region, North Ossetia – Alania, the Primorye Territory, and the Ryazan Region. This is great to see because there is a lot to be done in these regions. If they are showing a good pace, it gives us confidence that further development will follow the right path and achieve the goals that we have set for ourselves.

Let us begin.


Vladimir Putin: I think everyone will agree that throughout the decade of its existence and operation, the Agency for Strategic Initiatives has become a sound, serious and effective instrument in the national economic life. It is performing this role well enough with the support, of course, of all those present at our meeting and those who are not here today.

I would like to thank Ms Chupsheva and Mr Peskov, and all those who are working and developing ASI, and to wish them success. For my part, I will certainly do everything I can to support you.

Support of all those present is really important. ASI is a kind of a motor that winds up this entire mechanism. I am urging and asking you to keep supporting it in the future as well.

Thank you very much. Good luck.

May 22, 2024, Moscow