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Official website of the President of Russia

Документ   /

Meeting with Governor of the Kurgan Region Vadim Shumkov

May 22, 2024

Vladimir Putin had a working meeting, via videoconference, with Governor of the Kurgan Region Vadim Shumkov, who informed the President about the region’s socioeconomic development in the past five years.

Vadim Shumkov began his report with an update on the clean-up operations following a spring flood that affected 51 communities and 110 horticultural cooperatives, and impacted 13,200 people in 8,274 residential buildings. In total, 3,750 hectares of developed territories, as well as 52 motorways and 16 bridges, were flooded. The authorities organised the work on debris removal and decontamination operations. They began making compensation payments to affected residents, prioritising large families, participants in the special military operation and senior citizens. Children from large families received free vouchers for summer camps in the countryside, while senior citizens received sanatorium vouchers.

In response to the President’s question, the Governor reported that the authorities had promptly and thoroughly addressed all issues in collaboration with federal agencies. Vladimir Putin suggested that the Governor stay in contact with him throughout the process in order to make immediate decisions, if necessary.

Furthermore, Vadim Shumkov discussed the overall situation in the region. The Kurgan Region is a leader in industrial production and ranks second nationwide in terms of development trends. Last year, the region was in first place in the development of the agro-industrial sector. The region also held leading positions throughout 2023 in terms of the budget, growing regional revenues, and private individuals’ income tax and profit tax indicators. Regional unemployment has decreased by 25 times in the past five years. Real and nominal wages have soared by an impressive 27 and 18 percent respectively since the beginning of 2024. The entire budget has doubled in the past five years, with budget revenues also soaring by 100 percent over the same period.

The President and the Governor also discussed the establishment of five industrial parks in the past five years. Work is underway to build three more, and five other parks are being designed. The region is expanding industrial production in the context of limited natural resources. The key indicators in the agro-industrial sector have increased by 200–300 percent. Households are being connected to the gas network. In the past five years, local authorities have resurfaced and built 2,000 kilometres of roads. Six out of ten key bridges in Kurgan have been renovated, and the remaining four are to be overhauled by late 2024. The region has implemented comprehensive projects to modernise water supply and drainage systems in 15 municipal districts. Housing construction volumes are growing by 25 percent annually. In the past five years, the region has created over 1,150 public territories, including courtyards and parks. A waste-sorting project is also underway. Work is underway on modernising health clinics and schools. All key cultural facilities, including the drama theatre and the puppet theatre, have been renovated. Five new sports facilities, including four sports centres and a swimming pool in Kurgan, will open this year.

Vadim Shumkov pointed out that his six-year term in the Kurgan Region was set to expire this year. He said that if the President and the region’s residents continued to have trust in him, he would be ready to continue as head of the region, guiding it along the road of active and steady development.

The Governor also asked Vladimir Putin to support three highly important regional infrastructure projects. Their design documentation is either complete or will be finished soon. Vladimir Putin promised to support them and to submit all the documents provided by the Governor to the Government for consideration.

Regarding the Governor’s future work in his position, the most important thing is to secure the support of the region’s residents, the President noted. He added that Vadim Shumkov worked hard in the past, and the people are aware of this. Nevertheless, it is necessary to directly address the people, show them what has been achieved and discuss future plans, the President said.

The President wished Vadim Shumkov every success and asked him to prioritise healthcare, including by addressing the shortage of doctors and other specific issues. He emphasised that it was necessary to make every effort to resolve all these issues.

May 22, 2024