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Official website of the President of Russia

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Working meeting with Lipetsk Region Governor Igor Artamonov

May 22, 2024, The Kremlin, Moscow

The Head of the Lipetsk Region briefed the President on the socioeconomic situation in the region. The meeting was held via videoconference.

Igor Artamonov began his report by describing the regional programme to support the families of mobilised soldiers. It involves a system called ‘Patronage,’ where each family has a supervisor assigned to them. Plans are in place to extend this programme to large families and senior citizens. The governor also spoke about assistance provided to the district in the Donetsk People’s Republic which Lipetsk supports: 52 facilities have been repaired and rebuilt there in two years. He reported to the President on the progress of the formation of Lipetsk artillery battalions for the special military operation. The region is currently putting together its fifth unit.

As for the regional economy, according to the governor, budget revenues have almost doubled over the five-year period. The special economic zone is expanding, production is growing and import substitution is progressing steadily. Igor Artamonov mentioned personnel shortages in the region, adding that a year-round youth education centre, Technology, has opened in Lipetsk in response to the problem.

At the same time, he asked for help with repairing bridges over the Voronezh River and building an overpass across the railway to spur on the development of residential areas.

He noted the region’s achievements in agriculture, pointing out that the region’s exports have tripled to a billion dollars in five years. The region holds the first place in Russia in terms of output of greenhouse vegetables, rapeseed oil, and processed potatoes.

Concluding his report, Igor Artamonov asked the President to support his nomination for Governor of the Lipetsk Region for a second term.

Vladimir Putin reaffirmed his support for Igor Artamonov, who is working hard and achieving tangible results. The President also asked him about the special economic zone operation. The governor explained that the Lipetsk SEZ is one of the most effective in the country, adding that the giant Lipetsk Tractor Plant, the former pride of the region’s residents, which now lies in ruins, is going to be rebuilt. The work is already underway. Mr Artamonov also noted that most of the region’s investment is directed to the local metals smelter, agriculture, and the special economic zone.

The President recommended focusing on the staffing of the local outpatient clinics. The governor acknowledged the problem, adding that the region was in talks to establish a medical university. Work is also underway to explore the experience of leading medical centres, and cooperation is ongoing [with other regions] on modern treatment methods using telemedicine and artificial intelligence. There are no big shortages of nurses because there are nursing schools in the region, he added.

Vladimir Putin wished Igor Artamonov every success and emphasised the need to work directly with the people, especially during the pre-election period.

May 22, 2024, The Kremlin, Moscow