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Official website of the President of Russia

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Working meeting with Moscow Region Governor Andrei Vorobyov

June 17, 2024, The Kremlin, Moscow

The President held a working meeting with Moscow Region Governor Andrei Vorobyov. The Governor briefed the President on the region’s socioeconomic development.

Andrei Vorobyov began his report by outlining measures to support the families of participants in the special military operation. He also described efforts to assist new territories, such as the Novoazovsky and Telmanovsky districts in the Donetsk People's Republic. The Moscow Region is implementing federal projects in these areas, including important infrastructure like schools and kindergartens.

Regarding the region's economy, the Governor emphasied the importance of continuing work on industrial parks to facilitate new projects. There have been requests from Chinese partners, as well as interest from India and the Republic of Belarus. Russian businesses also have the opportunity to invest and achieve positive results through state programmes, thanks to the Industrial Development Fund and the industrial mortgage framework.

Currently, the industrial parks in the region are operating at 87 percent capacity. Consequently, new facilities are being built, complete with on-site colleges. A large plot of land has been designated in the Leninsky District for the construction of a major industrial park.

The Governor also reported that the region has successfully addressed the issue of defrauded homebuyers, thanks to support from the federal programme DOM.RU and the regional budget. The current focus is on building social infrastructure and providing urban amenities.

Plans were also discussed to upgrade the Central Ring Road and the housing and utility sector, particularly the heat supply and water supply systems. A five-year programme has been implemented to significantly modernise the networks and boiler houses, benefiting approximately 60 percent of the local population. This is a major undertaking for both the regional budget and the concessionaries, primarily Gazprom. The federal programme is also providing assistance in this regard.

The Governor reported that the construction of a children's hospital is nearly complete and is expected to open in July. Additionally, a large clinic with 1,000 beds is under construction in Balashikha, scheduled for completion in late 2027 or early 2028.

Vladimir Putin urged the Governor to pay more attention to outpatient clinics, as they are crucial for meeting patients' needs and ensuring the availability of healthcare services.

Andrei Vorobyov confirmed that primary care is in high demand, which is why the region is renovating existing outpatient clinics and building new ones. There is also a programme in place to attract doctors, offering substantial financial incentives for those who choose to work in primary care.

The President emphasised the importance of developing the primary care sector, particularly because the Moscow Region is experiencing a continued increase in population, unlike many other regions.

Andrei Vorobyov reported that there was a population increase of 70,000 last year and highlighted the high level of migration in the region.

June 17, 2024, The Kremlin, Moscow