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Official website of the President of Russia

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Working meeting with Vyacheslav Fedorishchev

May 31, 2024, The Kremlin, Moscow

During the working meeting, the President proposed that Vyacheslav Fedorishchev assume the post of Samara Region Governor.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr Fedorishchev, you previously held a position in the Government of the Russian Federation and later worked in various positions in Tula and the Tula Region. Your most recent position was Head of Government of the Tula Region.

You started your career at the Government. What were your main responsibilities here, in Moscow, when you worked in the Government?

Vyacheslav Fedorishchev: Mr President, I worked at the Ministry of Economic Development. My job was to summarise f the Government’s performance in implementing your May executive orders, as well as working on strategic documents, such as the Strategy of Socioeconomic Development, and other strategic documents.

Vladimir Putin: What was your first position in Tula?

Vyacheslav Fedorishchev: I was the Deputy Governor in charge of economic development. I was responsible for cooperating with enterprises and the defence industrial complex. Later, my superior, Alexei Dyumin, assigned me to take on a greater role in the socioeconomic development processes. At first, he appointed me as the First Deputy Governor and then as the Head of Government of the Tula Region.

Vladimir Putin: I would like to offer you a position in Samara, in the Samara Region. It is one of our largest industrial regions with a rich history and promising future. You are familiar with Samara and the Samara Region.

What is your vision for this potential position, and in your opinion, what areas should be prioritised?

 Vyacheslav Fedorishchev: Mr President, thank you for your offer and trust. It is a great honour for me, and a great responsibility.

I am familiar with the Samara Region as I oversaw industry at the State Council Commission. Samara is a very strong industrial region.

First and foremost, I believe on the importance of considering people’s opinions. My experience in Tula has taught me that it is essential to take into account the views of local residents in order to enhance the operations of a ministry or an economic sector. We always received proposals from the residents and organised our work accordingly.

Therefore, my first step would be to gain insider knowledge about the region. I plan to conduct interviews and understand the current tasks and areas of potential growth. Based on that, I will draft a priority development programme to further strengthen the already strong and beautiful region.

Vladimir Putin: You mentioned the importance of listening to people’s opinions. I believe this should be a priority. The region has many areas of focus, as you are well aware from your experience in the Tula Region, where you distinguished yourself.

I hope that in your role as governor, you will bring all the best practices you have accumulated over these years. This is a different job, and it carries greater responsibility.

I wish you success.

Vyacheslav Fedorishchev: Thank you, Mr President. I will not let you down.

Vladimir Putin: Thank you.


May 31, 2024, The Kremlin, Moscow