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Official website of the President of Russia

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Greetings to residents of the Lugansk People’s Republic on the 10th anniversary of the republic

May 11, 2024

Vladimir Putin sent greetings to the residents of the Lugansk People’s Republic on the 10th anniversary of the LPR.

The message reads, in part:

“The Lugansk People’s Republic was born from a difficult and dramatic period when an armed state coup was staged in Kiev and nationalists seized power. They tried to force residents of Donbass to renounce their mother tongue, history and culture. Despite the neo-Nazi aggression, you did not betray your ancestors and did not allow erasing their heroism in battle and in labour, preserving the sacred links between generations that have always supported unity and progressive development. The local population warmly approved of the idea to establish the Lugansk People’s Republic on May 11, 2014, and in September 2022, they firmly expressed their will to be reunited with their Motherland, Russia.

Today, our entire nation sincerely supports you and helps the Lugansk People’s Republic. The personnel serving in the special military operation are courageously fighting for liberation of our historical lands, and for the independence and security of the Fatherland. I am confident that we will certainly bring back peace to Donbass, resolve the most complicated problems, build and restore roads and homes, schools and hospitals, healthcare facilities, educational and cultural institutions, and industrial facilities.

We will win, together.”

May 11, 2024