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Official website of the President of Russia

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Greetings to residents of the Donetsk People’s Republic on the 10th anniversary of the DPR

May 11, 2024

Vladimir Putin sent greetings to the residents of the Donetsk People’s Republic on the 10th anniversary of the DPR.

The message reads, in part:

“May 11, 2014, marked a significant turning point for Donbass. In a moment of patriotic fervour, local residents expressed their support for the establishment of the Donetsk People’s Republic during the referendum, demonstrating to the world their steadfast resolve to protect their rights to language, culture, and free development, as well as their readiness to bravely oppose the aggression of nationalists who had seized power in Kiev through an armed coup d'état.

For eight long years, despite blockades, shelling, and provocations from neo-Nazis, you defended Donbass. In September 2022, you reaffirmed your unwavering resolve: to stand united with your homeland, Russia.

Today, the DPR stands as a fully recognised entity within the Russian Federation. You rightly take pride in your rich history, military valour, and labour traditions. Your heroes, who are bravely defending their homeland and dutifully serving in the special military operation, exemplify this honour. Supported by the entire nation, the republic is actively implementing programmes aimed at strengthening the economy and enhancing social welfare, ultimately raising the standard of living for the local population. We are building and renovating new roads and housing, as well as healthcare and educational facilities. Additionally, initiatives are underway to develop the industrial and agricultural sectors.

I am confident that together, we will undoubtedly achieve success, restore peace to the soil of Donetsk, and overcome the most challenging obstacles. We will win, together!”

May 11, 2024