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Official website of the President of Russia

Executive Office   /

Meeting of Presidential Council for the Disabled

March 22, 2013

Presidential Aide Tatyana Golikova chaired a meeting of the Presidential Council for the Disabled that focused on implementing the Presidential Executive Order On Measures Concerning the Implementation of Government Policy on Orphaned Children and those without Parental Care.

Ms Golikova stressed that changes to current legislation must address all issues relating to disabled children, including financial support. The Presidential Aide added that the parameters of the system related to working with disabled children, orphans, and those without parental care are currently being discussed.

According to the Ministry of Education and Science, three draft laws have been developed and the Russian Government has adopted three regulations, all for the purpose of implementing the Executive Order.

Tatyana Golikova noted that all the proposals made by Council members will be studied and incorporated into relevant draft bills.

March 22, 2013