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Official website of the President of Russia

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Maria Lvova-Belova visited the Altai Territory and the Republic of Altai

May 16, 2024

On May 15–16, 2024, Presidential Commissioner for Children’s Rights Maria Lvova-Belova made a working trip to the Altai Territory and the Republic of Altai. She met with heads of Russian regions and held meetings with representatives of regional departments responsible for the observance of children’s rights and lawful interests. Ms Lvova-Belova also visited a number of children’s institutions, held a personal reception of citizens, met with a large family and families of the participants in the special military operation.

Maria Lvova-Belova made a working trip to the Altai Territory. Photo of the Press Service of the Commissioner for Children’s Rights

During her working trip to the Altai Territory, Ms Lvova-Belova focused on the prevention of social orphanhood. Ahead of her visit, representatives of the Office of the Commissioner for Children’s Rights spent several days auditing children’s social institutions.

Ms Lvova-Belova noted that the Altai Territory is doing well in terms of preventing social orphanhood. It has interesting practices, for instance, during crises, families receive assistance from non-profit organisations. The region is also supporting a number of the Commissioner’s initiatives – developing teenage centres, introducing a protocol for communicating a diagnosis, and monitoring and supporting families where a child born with disabilities.

Results of the monitoring conducted by lawyers of the Commissioner’s office in seven social facilities for orphans and children left without parental care, as well as for children with disabilities, were presented to Altai Territory Governor Viktor Tomenko.

Maria Lvova-Belova held a meeting on the protection of children’s rights and lawful interests with the participation of heads of government executive bodies, the Interior Ministry, the Prosecutor’s Office and the region’s social protection services. She also held a meeting with custody and guardianship agencies, which was joined by specialists from all municipalities of the Territory. The Commissioner urged her colleagues to pay special attention to supporting families with children, which have found themselves in a difficult situation.

In Barnaul, Ms Lvova-Belova visited a specialised orphanage and the Assistance Centre for Children without Parental Care. In Biysk, she presented appreciation letters to specialists of the Assistance Centre for Children without Parental Care and the territorial crisis centre for women. She held a personal reception for citizens there as well.

Ms Lvova-Belova met with the Brit family with many children, the winners in the Large Family category of the parental feat competition Share the Warmth of a Parent’s Heart, participants in the Family of the Year national contest and the Large Families of Altai interactive calendar.

In 2022, parents Sergei and Yelena were awarded the Order of Parental Glory medal. The Commissioner gave the family with 13 children a washing machine purchased by the Country for Children Charity Foundation.

Ms Lvova-Belova and Governor of the Altai Republic Oleg Khorokhordin reached agreement on creating teenager centres under the Commissioner’s strategic programme, Teenagers of Russia. Children will enjoy spending their leisure time there. Mr Khorokhordin supported Ms Lvova-Belova’s proposal to organise a national RosPodros summer convention with the participation of the Federal Children's Public Council under the Commissioner. Teenagers from children’s public councils under regional commissioners for children’s rights will take part in it.

Maria Lvova-Belova and Oleg Khorokhordin held a meeting with the participation of the region’s relevant ministries and departments, the Interior Ministry, the Prosecutor’s Office and guardianship and custody agencies. The participants made a decision to create an interdepartmental commission that will assess the validity of each child’s stay in a social facility and make recommendations for children's family placement.

The head of the region noted that the Republic of Altai is paying much attention to improving children’s lives but there are still certain shortcomings that will be removed with the Commissioner’s support.

Ms Lvova-Belova also learned about the work of a specialised orphanage for children with organic central nervous system injuries and mental disorders and the Ochag Assistance Centre for Children without Parental Care and met with students of the Georgy Zhukov school.

Maria Lvova-Belova held a personal reception for citizens. Several families sought the Commissioner’s help. Following the meeting, the Commissioner made the decision to organise a trip to a health resort for rest and recuperation for a grandmother and her four grandchildren whom she took under guardianship. She will also help organise a consultation at a federal clinic for one of the children. Two mothers with children will receive assistance in resolving their housing problems, including roof repairs and rental accommodation.

At the republican branch of the Defenders of the Fatherland Foundation, Ms Lvova-Belova talked with families of the participants in the special military operation.

May 16, 2024