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Official website of the President of Russia

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Ruslan Edelgeriyev took part in the High-Level International Conference Water for Sustainable Development

June 13, 2024, Dushanbe

Presidential Aide, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate Issues Ruslan Edelgeriyev took part in the Third High-Level International Conference on the International Decade for Action “Water for Sustainable Development,” 2018–2028. The conference took place in Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan, on June 10–13.

The focus of the conference was to step up the efforts of states and other concerned parties in water management, including the attainment of the water goal, which is the sixth sustainable development goal, as well as the fulfilment of voluntary obligations assumed within the framework of the March 2023 UN Water Conference.

In his remarks, Ruslan Edelgeriyev detailed the specific steps Russia is taking to ensure the protection of water resources and wise use of water resources.

The final declaration of the conference urges decision-makers and concerned parties to expand comprehensive measures for the protection and wise use of water resources, as well as ensure universal access to safe water and sanitary facilities. The Russian Federation supported the final declaration and made a statement regarding a clause suggesting the appointment of the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy on Water, on the assumption that this position will only be approved following comprehensive consultations and with the approval of UN member states.

It was also noted that, in the event of such a decision, this position should be held by a representative of the Global South countries, which face the worst water stress.

On the sidelines of the conference, Ruslan Edelgeriyev held working meetings with Deputy Prime Minister of Tajikistan Sulaimon Ziyozoda and the heads of delegations of Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia and Uzbekistan. The sides discussed possible ways to expand cooperation on climate and environmental issues.

June 13, 2024, Dushanbe