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Official website of the President of Russia

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Dmitry Medvedev sent a telegram to President of Peru Alan Garcia in response to an invitation to take part in the 16th summit of leaders of the countries in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum

September 7, 2008

The President’s telegram said, in particular:

“We see APEC as a useful forum for exchanging views on multilateral economic integration at both global and regional level. I am sure that the general theme Peru has chosen for its presidency of the forum and for the upcoming summit — “A New Commitment to Asia-Pacific Development” – will give a constructive spirit to discussions of the measures that will facilitate sustainable economic growth in the APEC region. Particularly important in this respect is the search for optimum solutions to key problems such as rising food and energy prices and climate change.

I agree with the need to discuss the issue of raising commercial corporations’ social responsibility. I think that business organisations, which play an important part in developing our economies, can make a significant complement to government efforts to ensure social prosperity in this time of globalisation.

I agree with the need to discuss at the forum the other issues you have proposed, including promising formats for regional economic integration.

Cooperation in the areas of security and stability remains a relevant subject too, above all in such key areas as combating international terrorism, pandemic diseases, and carrying out disaster relief work. I am sure that this kind of productive cooperation will help APEC to achieve the objectives it has set.

I want to note in particular the energetic and constructive character of Peru’s presidency of APEC. I hope in this respect for our successful work together at the upcoming summit in Lima”.

The APEC summit will take place in Lima on November 22–23, 2008, under Peru’s presidency.

September 7, 2008