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Official website of the President of Russia

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Dmitry Medvedev sent a greeting to participants of the celebrations for the re-opening of the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent following its renovation

September 16, 2008

The greeting reads, in particular:

”Founded by the Grand Duchess Elizaveta Fyodorovna, this shrine has always enjoyed special veneration. During our country’s most difficult years it provided shelter to the destitute, helping people gain confidence and new vitality.

Today the resumption of the activities of the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent is yet another important sign of the revival of Russia’s centuries-old spiritual heritage. And the joint work involved in renovating the Convent is evidence of a constructive dialogue between the state, the Russian Orthodox Church and society. It is important that today such cooperation does more than simply restore historical and cultural monuments, and also establishes new, socially significant facilities.

May the renovation of the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent allow it to carry out its valued mission, reinforcing and enhancing the morals, family values and education of Russia’s younger generation “.

The Marfo-Mariinsky Convent opened in February 1909, existed until 1926, and resumed its activities in 1992. Following its renovation the Convent will serve as a shelter for orphaned children, and contains a school, a clinic, a monastery, a museum and other facilities.

September 16, 2008