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Positive economic trends still have little impact on the life of people who work in rural areas. The living standards in rural areas are significantly lower than in towns and cities, the President said during the meeting. The process of bridging this gap is too slow, and rural reforms are still skidding.
The development of the legal base for land relations is a priority task, he said. During the last few years Russia has seen major changes in this sphere. The Land Code and the law on agricultural land came into effect. A new edition of the mortgage law is being considered. The adoption of that law would promote housing construction in rural regions, he said.
The President called upon the participants in the Russian Agrarian Movement to join efforts with regional legislatures. The “black land market” will flourish until relevant regulatory acts are adopted by regional legislatures, Mr Putin said.
It is important not only to adopt the relevant laws at the regional level, but also to control their implementation. The President expressed hope that the movement would take an active part in that work.
April 8, 2003, The Kremlin, Moscow