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Official website of the President of Russia

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President Putin's annual message to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

May 16, 2003, Marble Hall, The Kremlin, Moscow

In his message, Mr Putin spoke about the situation in Russia, its position on the international scene, outlined top priorities for the Russian economy, social sphere, internal and foreign policies, defence and security.

Mr Putin stressed the need to strengthen the economic situation in the country, the material welfare of its citizens and provide Russia’s integration into the world economic system. He also set the goal to double the country’s GDP by 2010 and achieve the full convertibility of the rouble.

Mr Putin also emphasised the decrease of population in Russia.

Speaking of the Russian Armed Forces, the President said that the current military reform was to provide sufficient rearmament and the development of the structure and principles of army recruitment practices.

Mr Putin said the main objective for the foreign policy was the realisation of the national interests based on the international law.

State Duma deputies, members of the Federation Council, Government members, Chairmen of the Constitutional, Supreme and Supreme Arbitration courts, and leaders of the main confessions attended the meeting in the Marble Hall.

May 16, 2003, Marble Hall, The Kremlin, Moscow