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Official website of the President of Russia

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A meeting of G8 Heads of State and Government has ended in Evian, France

June 3, 2003

After the morning session, which was attended by all the participants in the forum except the US President, who left Evian the night before for Sharm-el-Sheikh for talks with Arab leaders, the final statement of the summit’s chair was issued.

The statement gave assessment to the most pressing issues of international politics and modern global challenges.

Talking with journalists after the end of the summit, Vladimir Putin praised the discussions and the decisions taken.

The Russian head of state noted that the Evian meeting had confirmed that the G8 members share long-term strategic interests, which is why they can discuss disputed issues in a trusting atmosphere that is conducive to mutually acceptable decisions.

Vladimir Putin described the strengthening of the international anti-terrorist coalition as a key summit result and mentioned the decision to set up a counter-terrorist action group. Russia is committed to be an active member of that group, giving priority to the CIS space and the zone of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation.

The President also noted the importance of the G8 documents on non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. In the coming decade Russia plans to allocate at least $2 billion for the purpose.

Asked about the Iranian nuclear programme, Vladimir Putin said that Russia would continue cooperating with that country and would insist that all the Iranian nuclear programmes be put under IAEA safeguards.

June 3, 2003